
Should I...?


Hero Member
A friend has offered to sell me a Dean V Platinum for 250 Canuck bucks (sans case). It's a cool axe ('cuz it's a V and they're cool), but I just can't decide whether or not I want to buy it. For one thing, there's very little information to be found out about them: I'm pretty sure it's Korean-made, with a basswood body, maple/rosewood neck and a pair of generic humbuckers. I've played it a few times and I don't recall it being either unpleasant or particularly memorable. There's probably room for improvement, since it's an entry-level guitar. For one, I'd probably drop in an SD Custom humbucker that's currently sitting more or less unused in my Jackson--it's trem-spaced, but I don't think that really matters, does it? The big problem is that I'm not made of money, and I've also been considering an Agile goldtop with P90s and some sort of practice amp (or something to help me stop annoying the neighbours).

I know it's not exactly expensive, but is it worth it? Any thoughts?
I'd skip the Dean and go with the Agile.  It'll be a few more bucks, but everything I see on this forum and elsewhere suggests you'll be very happy with the quality of the axe, and I think you'll find it's a more viable guitar for more situations than the V.


Entry-level guitars are for well-meaning parents, not players. Do the Agile instead. It'll be a much higher quality instrument without costing you an arm and a leg. There are 16 pages of them here to choose from, listed in gradually increasing price/quality.
Calling the Dean "entry-level" may have been a little strong on my part. From what I can tell, Dean has a line of Chinese-made guitars that are lower down on the ladder. So I guess this one is more "mid-entry-level." But I see your point. It's just that with shipping, the Agile runs about $600, and that's a little much for an impulse buy (for me, anyway). I mean, it's not like I need another guitar... And at $600, I could start working towards another Warmoth.  :icon_biggrin: