
Short Scale SG Bass

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
B3Guy said:
just get it w/o the pot holes drilled, then drill 'em yourself.

Talking about the toggle and toggle location, they won't do it.

Is that so? Strange that... thought it would be easily doable, as they do it for flat top LP guitars? :dontknow:
They do it on a few models, but they are all CNC programmed and done on the core wood before the lam top is applied.  This isn't programmed for the LP bass and would require the use of freehanding with a router.

This is what I wanted, in a flat top and with an existing bridge routing.

I was told this:
Wyliee said:
No such luck with the upper toggle.  Apparently, there can be difficulties getting a clean shot with the wiring channel.

When I replied this:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
If ya'll could get a channel in there, angled if necessary, I'd get the wire in there.  It'd be covered by a lam-top.  It wouldn't have to be pretty.

I was told this:
Wyliee said:
Possibly, yes, but the shop isn't going to whip out a hand router and dig in.  Sorry!