
Selling options


Mythical Status
I'm fairly confident I'm not the only one who regularly peruses The Showcase for outstanding or special offerings. But, sometimes I'm not in a position to act on what I see right at the moment. Cash and credit positions ebb and flow, and timing is everything when it comes to some of these items, since they're almost all one-of-a-kind. It's almost like an art auction without the bidding process - pay the "Buy it now" price, or go scratch.

I'd like to see an "option" feature added to The Showcase, where if you see something you really want, you can buy the option to buy it at a later date for some set price, say $50. That would take it out of The Showcase and off the market for 30 or maybe 45 days, during which period you could buy it for the asking price. Options could not be sold or renewed. If you didn't exercise your option, you simply lose your $50 and the thing goes back on the block and it all starts over. Losing the option purchase price, and the inability to sell them would prevent abuse of the feature. It's win-win for Warmoth - the item is never "used" or "returned" or "unwanted", and Warmoth makes $50 or more on the part simply for holding it aside briefly.

Does anyone else like that idea?
Is this a joke?  Warmoth is a business.  They sell things.  People buy them.  If they have a desireable piece, they are going to sell it to the first person to show up with the cash.  Why would they do it any different?
I don't know. Silly idea, I guess. It's just that I've seen several parts go by that I would have bought had the timing been different, but actually, what do they care? Like you say, they're in business to make money. If the thing is going to go fast, then why let somebody slow it down? Doesn't make sense. Forget I said anything.
Always make sure to have X amount of money on your credit card just in case that super-special once-in-a-life-time oppurtunity comes.  :blob7:
Return of Guitlouie said:
Is this a joke?  Warmoth is a business.  They sell things.  People buy them.  If they have a desireable piece, they are going to sell it to the first person to show up with the cash.  Why would they do it any different?

I don't think they'd ever do it, but the idea isn't much different than how a pawn shop operates and is win/win for whoever has the goods.  If they end up selling it to you, they make money.  If not, they sell it to someone else and make 50 more bucks plus the selling price.  The only drawback is extra storage space and the time and overhead cost of physically moving products around both physically and world wide webily.
definitely a cool idea, but i don't think they'd go for it. if space weren't any kind of an issue i could totally see this working. it's all about storage space i guess

would be cool if they did this with bodies that sat longer than 9 or 12 months or something.
JaySwear said:
would be cool if they did this with bodies that sat longer than 9 or 12 months or something.

If bodies are sitting there for that long, what's the danger of someone else buying them?
You will usually be able to take your sweet time getting the money together, and they will still be there.
yeah, with them reducing prices it's better for us. wouldn't really make sense to pay $50 to put a body on hold that nobody else had wanted.