
Save Shoppingcart

The Norwegian Guy

Hero Member
For guys like me - that have multiple projects going on at the same time, I would find it really useful to be able to save a shopping cart. I know that I can put parts in the cart and still have them whenever I log in again, but it would be useful to have the oppurtunity to save multiple carts for different projects.

Anyone with me on this?
What if someone buys an item in your saved cart? - or - does putting an item in the cart remove it from the viewing list?
What I'm thinking of, is that you get a notice when you log on - that someone else has bought it.
You can call it a "wish list" instead of a shoppingcart. You get me?
My solution has been to do my own shopping cart in Excel and copy the URLs of the parts and paste them in a column along side a description and price for the part.

When it comes time to actually make the official order it's just a bunch of copy > paste > add to cart.
One of my biggest Problems is even when its in the shopping cart it lists as CUSTOM BODY not a description of whats built.

when the time comes. I will CALL in my order. and double check everything with a living person.

what would be nice is if they had some sort of FORM where you could pick and place things for your build...

so like, you have a place on this form for Body/neck/bridge/tuners/ plates/bolts/switches/wiring.... and so on...

so you know whether or not you're missing something... or what you need to get somewhere else.

that would rule.
AGWAN said:
One of my biggest Problems is even when its in the shopping cart it lists as CUSTOM BODY not a description of whats built.

when the time comes. I will CALL in my order. and double check everything with a living person.

what would be nice is if they had some sort of FORM where you could pick and place things for your build...

so like, you have a place on this form for Body/neck/bridge/tuners/ plates/bolts/switches/wiring.... and so on...

so you know whether or not you're missing something... or what you need to get somewhere else.

that would rule.
Well, you DO get to know the specs of the body or neck you have customized in the generator-lists (not instock bodies/necks, though) via the cart if you press the CHECKOUT NOW-thingy :icon_tongue:
yeah, but most of what my post addresses is what could be done BEFORE you check out.
AGWAN said:
yeah, but most of what my post addresses is what could be done BEFORE you check out.
What is the difference? (I'm SO gonna be marked as stupid because I ask this, the answer is probably REALLY obvious :laughing3:)