
Rickenbacker Style 12-string Headstock


Senior Member
I realise the chances of this happening are very remote, as Warmoth would have to be sure that there was enough demand for this to do the work of programming their machines, and this is a more complex design than a standard flat or angled headstock.

I know there could also be trademark/patent issues, so I am not suggesting an exact copy of any particular shape, just the general idea of a slotted headstock with 6 of the tuners facing sideways and 6 facing backwards. There might still be patent issues if Ricky has patented this whole idea, but I know of at least one other manufacturer (Duesenberg) that uses the same kind of design on their 12-strings, and haven't heard of any issues with them getting sued.

And I'm not even sure this design would look good on any of the body shapes that Warmoth offers.

But.. I think this type of headstock is an improvement over the standard 6-a-side design as it should make it much easier to know when you are tuning the right string (a problem I often come across,) and if I was looking to do a 12-string build (which I may well be at some point,) I would seriously consider this option if it did not cost too much more than the standard headstock.
Warmoth's current 12 string headstock is one of the most hideous headstocks I've ever seen, so pretty much +1 to anything different. :dontknow:
I agree, I don't like the Warmoth 12 String headstock at all.  I wish they would make it a longer version of the regular Warmoth shape. 
The Rick is a slick unit.  Almost looks like a standard 6.  Best looking 12 string around IMHO
hannaugh said:
I agree, I don't like the Warmoth 12 String headstock at all.  I wish they would make it a longer version of the regular Warmoth shape. 

i think a 12 string would be my next project if they did something along those lines. i love the warmoth headstock shape.
Return of Guitlouie said:
Rickenacker as a company is notoriously litigious.  I'm surprised we are not being served papers as we speak, just for talking about them.

Precisely what I though as I was reading the title, until I read this part:
Jeremiah said:
I know there could also be trademark/patent issues, so I am not suggesting an exact copy of any particular shape, just the general idea of a slotted headstock with 6 of the tuners facing sideways and 6 facing backwards.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I like the BC Rich style of tuners on the headstock and the body.

+1. that is really cool. i bet it would be hard to do on multiple bodies though. thats a whole lot of body routing. maybe not for the showcase, but for special orders only. i'd love it
While I like many of the Rickenbacker models, this is what really made me fall in love with the idea. (You have to click on 'Special Models' to see the 12-string.) Clearly influenced by Ric, but in my opinion an improvement on their design.

Hmm, I've just noticed that the Duesenberg USA website has no pictures of the 12-string so maybe they are dodging lawsuits...

Having lived with a Rick 360/12 for many years, I can tell you that the groovy headstock arrangement has issues.  The biggest one is that at certain angles, the tuning buttons actually touch eachother.  That's right - sometimes you cannot get the thing in tune because you can't turn that peg where you want it ... because the other freaking peg is in the way!  Try bringing this up on the Rickenbacker forum and see what they have to say about it.  The other issue is that stringing those slotted strings is incredibly difficult.  You put put the string in, cut it to 1/4 of an inch, and hope for the best.  More often than not the sucker slips right out of there and you have to start from scratch.  Rick has no interest in improvements like locking tuners, or at least they did not when I brought it up.

Finally - rick will sue your ass off lf you even mention that you might one day possibly consider making anything Rick-ish. 

I'm building a W 12 with the hockey stick headstock.  I think it will look very cool thank-you-very-much.
hannaugh said:



I dunno about you, but I would much rather have the first one. 

Agreed. The paddle is just too plain, and the hockey stick is a little too...odd (no offence Mayfly; I think that 12 of yours is going to look fantastic...despite the headstock!  :laughing7:). But that 12-string W headstock looks downright smashing.

Also, 600 posts!  :icon_thumright:
mayfly said:
Finally - rick will sue your ass off lf you even mention that you might one day possibly consider making anything Rick-ish.   

I do know know...these look very Rick-ish...from Schecter

and a 12 string no less...
+1. they also had a VERY ric-ish bass that i can't find now. i wonder if ric got to them about it. it was extremely cool.
ErogenousJones said:
Those Schecters are really cool. They play well too, especially for the price. Those Stargazers don't sound that Ric-ish, however.

I have been impressed with all of Schecter's offerings.

But you are right..not much of that Ric tone...they need some TOASTERS!!!!
mayfly said:

Having lived with a Rick 360/12 for many years, I can tell you that the groovy headstock arrangement has issues.  The biggest one is that at certain angles, the tuning buttons actually touch eachother.  That's right - sometimes you cannot get the thing in tune because you can't turn that peg where you want it ... because the other freaking peg is in the way!  Try bringing this up on the Rickenbacker forum and see what they have to say about it.  The other issue is that stringing those slotted strings is incredibly difficult.  You put put the string in, cut it to 1/4 of an inch, and hope for the best.  More often than not the sucker slips right out of there and you have to start from scratch.  Rick has no interest in improvements like locking tuners, or at least they did not when I brought it up.

I too have a 360/12.  I haven't experienced the issue of the tuning keys touching, of course mine was made in '99 and looks to have more modern tuners on it.  I do agree with the slot ones being difficult.  In the 10 years I've owned it, it's probably only had 4 sets of strings on it.  A route all the way through the headstock like a nylon style classical could help it.  I've always left them long and get at least one turn before trimming.  My beef with it is that a plastic string winder doesn't work on any of the tuners because there's no room.  Also, there is a certain order that the strings must be installed so as not to paint yourself in a corner.  Getting the ball ends in the trapeze is a balancing act becuase they are so close and are clawed from underneath.  My last bit of criticism is that the plastic truss rod cover is just about impossible to get on and off when strung.