Well been absent from the forums for a while since i started back at uni, but over christmas got back into my playing and thought id give you guys a visit again
Heres what my recent GAS for ashdown amps has provided me with :laughing7:
An ashdown MAG 300 EVOII
And after a good five hours on and off playing,i couldn't be happier with this thing, exactly what i wanted.
Along with it i got a Gig skins bass guitar bag which very nicely fits my warmoth, and so easy to carry aswell,
The amp on the other hand would require a taxi or car :laughing7: but i expected that when i bought a bigger amp, but now i wont need to upgrade for ages, and still great for practising,
My only question is, would for instance the tuner/line out be alright for using headphones through? one consideration i didnt think of before i bought it but not too big a deal if it wont, as i just wont use it at ungodly hours then.... maybe :headbang1:

Heres what my recent GAS for ashdown amps has provided me with :laughing7:
An ashdown MAG 300 EVOII
And after a good five hours on and off playing,i couldn't be happier with this thing, exactly what i wanted.
Along with it i got a Gig skins bass guitar bag which very nicely fits my warmoth, and so easy to carry aswell,
The amp on the other hand would require a taxi or car :laughing7: but i expected that when i bought a bigger amp, but now i wont need to upgrade for ages, and still great for practising,
My only question is, would for instance the tuner/line out be alright for using headphones through? one consideration i didnt think of before i bought it but not too big a deal if it wont, as i just wont use it at ungodly hours then.... maybe :headbang1: