
Retro Channel Retro Wreck - tubeless tube sounding amp ...


Hero Member


That's an interesting-sounding amp, and it seems to be priced right, especially considering its tone and quality. But, for another $600 or so you can have an Axe FX, which will give that amp along with a couple dozen others and about a bajillion dollars worth of high-end effects.

On the plus side, you can control it with just a few knobs. That's very appealing to those who aren't tweakers.
From that vid, it sounds awesome.  If it was in the 600 neighborhood I'd definitely add it to my wishlist.
Actually I think it's fabulous, AND says a lot about his target audience and confidence in reaching that sector (who are some pretty bad snobs when it comes to amp tone). I love the simplicity.  This one's not just 'a good imitation' , from the video it's a lot more dynamically controllable  than a whole lot of real tube amps.
Nice. I need one. I tried to stay away from stacks, but this is just TOO hard to say no too. First the Vox Nighttrain, now this...
Yeah, the first thing I'm gonna do if I get one is take it out of the box and stick it in a 112 cabinet.