
Relic guitars....cure for OCD

I don't think white is as much of a problem on guitars as it is on cars. I have a gloss white Strat that always looks good, but I used to have an arctic white car that always looked like it needed attention. Not as bad as black, of course, but still. It's a high-contrast finish. With that, it was dirt. With a guitar, it's fingerprints/smudges, which the white doesn't show as much.
scartozi said:
I don't want this to turn into a "do you like relic guitars" thread. I personally wouldn't buy one off the shelf and all my guitars are not painted and have natural wood satin finishes. Some have aged hardware some don't. Like I'd mentioned...I spent way to much time worrying about my nice shinny guitar and it was taking away from me actually playing it. Weather you like relic'd guitars or not for me it was the best choice I've made. For me its more about the finish not necessarily the dents and dings....my son will take care of that

I totally get your point. I just think the whole "relic" pre-beat-up new guitar thing is lame. Manufacturers should at least offer a "dent 'n' scratch" discount for such guitars, but they don't. Some are quite expensive. Okay, enough about that. I must admit that my Warmoth never gets played, for the very reason you described. It's beautiful, and I don't want any scratches, dings, or dirt on it. So it just hangs on the wall and looks awesome.  However, the majority of my other guitars all get played, scratched, dinged, and dusty. I don't abuse them, but I use them, and am not gonna worry about it. They are tools, and while I want them to last, I'm not gonna treat them like newborn infants, or be constantly polishing them...except for the Warmoth.
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
How about a nice chrome finish, Scartozi?

Chrome....that's mean...I expect to get this type of abuse from my wife but not here :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: I would wear a long sleeve shirt and white cotton gloves.

Street Avenger: to me the store bought relics look forced, not natural. The wear on the back of the necks is what bugs me the most. Then to get a "good" relic you have to send thousands n a custom shop. Maybe since I have 3 non painted guitars I could add a nice shinny guitar to my collection someday.....I've been GAS'n for a tobacco burst strat for quite some time.
Tonar8353 said:
He's starting to use a pick

Do not let your children near your guitars!!!!  I had guitars in the cribs with my sons and the both grew up to be drummers. :dontknow:

Imagine having a house full of very nice guitars and amps for them to use and they wanted to play drums. The worst part is I had to go spend money on drums. :sad1:

Alas, you can lead'em to water...

My boy's taken to the drums quite happily, which I actually support.  Because to be honest, if he remains serious about truly learning the drums as a musical instrument (i.e., develops good time and good taste and broad skills), he can play any night of the week - whereas we droves of guitarists pretty much have to wait in line, if we can find a stage at all.

Also, I don't have much use for relic guitars, but if it floats someone else's boat, they're free to sail in it.

