
Relic guitars....cure for OCD


Senior Member
Are relic'd guitars a cure for OCD or as I like to call it OGCD "Obsessive Guitar Cleaning Disorder"

Hello, my name is Adam (aka Scartozi) and I use to suffer from OGCD until I discovered relic'd or relic type guitars. Back when I had some high end acoustics I swear I worried more about fingerprints, smudges or scratches than I did actually playing the guitar. Long sleeve shirts, no buttons, watches, rings, no pics and polished after every use, sometimes in the middle of a practice session. It wasn't until I discovered relic'd guitars that I started to see hope for my OGCD. Those of you who have seen some of my projects can see a pattern with the finishes I choose....are they on purpose, yup! After I finished my first relic I was finally able to pick up the guitar, play it and not care about a fingerprint a scratch, dent or ding.....I could just play it!

Do I like nice shinny guitars...absolutely, could I own one and not obsess about it....nope. I did briefly have a relapse when I took the blue strat in on trade. I got it home, completely took it apart, cleaned everything and put it back together. As I sat playing it I found myself wiping it off with my shirt...soooooo it too got remodeled. So my Driftwood Strat, Firewood Strat and Ebony-like Strat are built for a purpose....to give me the freedom to play and that's what matters. I don't care if my son plays with them, and he does quite often, hit's them with a toy, whatever the case I dont care.

So please tell me that I'm not the only one who suffers from OGCD
Relic'd guitars are a joke.  A guitar should get worn naturally by playing it, and transporting it from gig to gig, and the rings, watches, belt buckles, etc.  It should not already be beat to $#!t from the factory when you buy it new.

I don't need to pay extra for someone to pre-beat up my guitar for me.
New guitars that look like they are 30 years-old are fake. They are fraudulent.
And most don't even look convincing. They just look like crap.
I suffer a bit from OGCD, but not to the degree you describe. I just like a good-looking instrument and I tend to take good care of things so I don't have to repair/replace them or feel embarrassed about them. A relic'd guitar is not a solution for me, though. That would drive me batshit insane.

I've only recently gotten noticeably obsessive about the cleaning thing as a result of my new Tele. It's a high gloss black finish with all black hardware, and while it's very attractive when it's clean and polished up, it's impossible to keep it good-looking. Play it for a half an hour and it looks like it's been dragged through hell and back.

I clean all the bits on my guitar when I change strings, which is about once a year, sometimes twice.
It feels like the only time I can get the dust under the strings off the headstock and body without injuring myself.
The first thing I did when I finished my strat was hit the body against something hard enough to knock a little paint off. (Since then it's just been natural wear and tear). If I hadn't done it all I would've done is baby it instead of play it. Plus it doesn't really feel like a guitar if it's flawless.
Mayfly said:
Having kids will cure you of this as well.  :occasion14:

Mine isn't quite walking yet, but I've already resigned to the fact that someday soon I'm going to come home and find my guitars refinished with diaper cream. Still not sure how I'm going to keep the little guy away from them.
llmstratocaster said:
Mayfly said:
Having kids will cure you of this as well.  :occasion14:

Mine isn't quite walking yet, but I've already resigned to the fact that someday soon I'm going to come home and find my guitars refinished with diaper cream. Still not sure how I'm going to keep the little guy away from them.

I don't want this to turn into a "do you like relic guitars" thread. I personally wouldn't buy one off the shelf and all my guitars are not painted and have natural wood satin finishes. Some have aged hardware some don't. Like I'd mentioned...I spent way to much time worrying about my nice shinny guitar and it was taking away from me actually playing it. Weather you like relic'd guitars or not for me it was the best choice I've made. For me its more about the finish not necessarily the dents and dings....my son will take care of that
llmstratocaster said:
Mayfly said:
Having kids will cure you of this as well.  :occasion14:

Mine isn't quite walking yet, but I've already resigned to the fact that someday soon I'm going to come home and find my guitars refinished with diaper cream. Still not sure how I'm going to keep the little guy away from them.

Don't try - soon they'll be playing them and making music.  a few dents and, er, creams are a small price to pay for seeing them perform :headbang:
He's starting to use a pick

Do not let your children near your guitars!!!!  I had guitars in the cribs with my sons and the both grew up to be drummers. :dontknow:

Imagine having a house full of very nice guitars and amps for them to use and they wanted to play drums. The worst part is I had to go spend money on drums. :sad1:
Tonar8353 said:
He's starting to use a pick

Do not let your children near your guitars!!!!  I had guitars in the cribs with my sons and the both grew up to be drummers. :dontknow:

Imagine having a house full of very nice guitars and amps for them to use and they wanted to play drums. The worst part is I had to go spend money on drums. :sad1:

You should just give one of them a bass. That way you'll have a rhythm section and can  :rock-on:
On the other hand, you have a house full of very nice guitars and amps that nobody's retuning, adjusting and adding dings/dents for you all the time while you're not looking.
NLD09 said:
The first thing I did when I finished my strat was hit the body against something hard enough to knock a little paint off. (Since then it's just been natural wear and tear). If I hadn't done it all I would've done is baby it instead of play it. Plus it doesn't really feel like a guitar if it's flawless.


While I don't know if I would actually ding it myself, I am always apprehensive about my new guitars till I smack them into something on accident. I'm upset for a few minutes, then just glad its over with. My SG has all sorts of little nicks and scratches, but I guess I view it as what makes it mine. I still get a little depressed when I bang it hard into something, but not because it has scratched/dented it, I'm more worried about it breaking something :laughing7:. Kind of like when you see a little kid (I substitute teach) take a hard fall on the playground. At first your like "OH S#@" then your like "oh your fine? Go play some more" :laughing7:
That is very true for me also. I've had guitars I was super careful with but once I got that first ding it was like a weight has been lifted. Not that I would walk around banging it into everything.

Cagey: both of my cars are black. I'll spent 6hrs cleaning and polishing and it lasts for maybe a day.....and of course if it rains....it looks like sheot

I guess the only hope for my OGCD would be an Olympic white strat....fingerprints and smudges would be less noticeable.
IME, the 2 extremes of black and white on guitars and vehicles with heavy gloss show less than pristine when actually using.  Cream, Vintage White, Inca Silver or Pewter might retain a clean look longer.