
Recent discussion at the S.D, forum


Hero Member
thought it might be of interest...

Is Warmoth Worth It?
Max said:
I think someone on this forum's gonna get a lynchin'

Get A Rope...

When a company (Warmoth & USACG) tells you that the necks come with unfinished frets, complaining that "WAAH! My frets weren't finished!" :sad1: is bizarre. It's like buying an unfinished body and say "WAAH! This body's not finished!" :sad1: What have the mothers of America wrought....*

Having said that, I've had to finish the frets on every Warmoth and USAGC neck I've ever bought, to get them up to professional standards. However, a similar degree of unfinished-ness is true of most of the $900- $1500 Fenders & Gibsons I've seen. The same is not true of the $500 Schecters & Ibani... jee i wounder why Schecter & Ibanez sell so many guitars. :icon_scratch: The biggest difference between these "cheap" Fenders and Gibsons and their $2,500 - $5,000 "Custom Shop" brethren is a $150 fret & nut job. Works for them!

*("Mamas, don't let yer babies grow up to be... grownups..." hey thar's a snappy tune in thar somewhars, cowboy)
Maybe if Warmoth did fret work... people could complain about the fretwork not being exactly what they wanted  :doh:
You guys should put down the e-rope.  It seems to me that he initially replied in reference to monetary worth, which was 100% accurate.  He goes on to speak highly of W in the other posts.  The level of fanboi-ism on some of these forums is stunning.  You don't need to circle the wagons because someone didn't say W was the best no matter what.  The quality of the product should speak for itself.  While I don't think W is perfect, I think it says something that absolutely every serious musician who has played my W retrofitted (or built) guitars and basses goes on to order (and love) their own.  Ffs, I'm getting ready to spend 400 bucks on an "overpriced" neck because it's the absolute best at what I'm after, and in the end, money is just money but the happiness I will get from the finished product will be immeasurable.  Oh yeah, and something only Warmoth provides; the experience of building something so perfect myself.

AprioriMark said:
You guys should put down the e-rope.  It seems to me that he initially replied in reference to monetary worth, which was 100% accurate.  He goes on to speak highly of W in the other posts.  The level of fanboi-ism on some of these forums is stunning.


The amount of xenophobia around here is so bad that it is apparently spreading out to other areas of the internet
in hopes of finding a proper "outsider" to set the torches to.

(Well, that... and I can't stand kiss-asses either.   :icon_biggrin:)
Stolen from some random site on the interweb, and totally a joke and not actually dogging on Max's Ingrish skills.  i.e. All in good fun. <3


"I could care less" vs. "I couldn't care less"
The Question Ends Here

When one usually states "I could care less", they usually mean "I could not care less". [e.g. "I could care less about linguistics."]

In order for one to "care less" about a subject, they must first care about it somewhat. Saying "I could care less about ... " does indeed imply, nay dictate, that there is some degree of care.

I've put together a handy chart to help visualize...

You see... I could care less. If I had reached the lower threshold of caring, I would not have posted it. I could also care more, as the post I mentioned caused no more reaction than a raised eyebrow. The only amount of caring I had was evoked by the fact that the forum member who made the post about the resale value of the instrument being low gave an initial impression of Warmoth's products not being worth it. I know he is completely correct in the resale value being low, but I am not sure if I completely agree with the prices being absurd.
Therefore, if I had said "I could not care less," it would be outside of the realm of honesty, whereas "I could care less" give the same impact to the casual reader, and stays well within the limits of truthfulness.

Its more a matter if anyone could care less, not just the individual.  I mean... there are folks out there who cant care less because... they cant more either.  In fact, if you care to think about it, these folks need our care.  They're careless.  Not in the sense that they're clumsy careless, but devoid of care careless.  And I know what you're all thinking... who cares?  You're saying... I could care less, but you really mean is... I couldn't care less, which is why the careless need more of our care, or less.  More or less.
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!      Who Cares!!!!!       :laughing7:
And now back to our regular programing.