
Re-fin Epiphone Sg (NOT W)


Senior Member
hey guys, whilst i'm doing some uploading, thought i'd show you my crap-standard-looking-epi turning into nicely-oiled-lovely-looking axe. i dont have many progress shots, mainly just before/after. began life as a very standard epiphone g-400 with everything stock and gloss trans red finish. yawn.

BEFORE: note the seediness, the multiple coats of sparypaint, stickers, changed controls, beer-caps nailed around the edges.... general filth. only good thing really is the zebra Vintage Vibe HSP90 pups (hummers wound like p-90s somehow). oh yeah, and the mexican-skeleton-playing-a-guitar-sticker (i saved that one).


now my only in-progress shot, after several days of sanding, more sanding, and MORE sanding to get the thick-assed stubborn trans red finish off. this stuff was ridiculously thick, no wonder the guitar sounded like bog. applied a little turps to show the grain. notice the seedy white/red/green overlapping colours from previous half-assed attempts at a re-finish on the sides, and the humbucker cavities re-routed to fit the large HSP90's.


and the finished product, all sanded back, a dozen or so coats of danish oil, cured, waxed with carnauba. controls moved to spare tele plate covering most of the holes. i didn't want to plug the holes as the wood tone would've been so much different, so i just left them. headstock also has been attacked with a saw to make it much less epi-looking. she looks 'aight in the sunshine!! sounds much better with the thinner finish, and the neck feels amazing.



if you like it, i could be tempted by offers of sale....
Nice salvage job! The only thing I'm not quite sold on is the Tele plate to cover most of the holes. I think I might have stuck pots in there anyway, even if I wasn't planning on using them. Or left 'em open. Dunno. Otherwise a real nice save!
hahaha yeah and i was just reading about CBs tele/sg build  :icon_thumright:

the mahogany top is beaut, but is actually one of those laser-cut images or whatever they do. so it's actually a really thin lam-top over just normal mahogany body. looks great though with the oil finish, especially under the light