
Question About Neck Thickness -- Standard Thin...

Strat Avenger

Hero Member
Have any of you guys with the Standard Thin ever put some calipers on it and measured the actual thickness? I am curious how much of a difference there is between advertised thickness and actual thickness. Is it really .800 to .850, or just somewhere close to that spec?
I happen to have three loose right now. One measures .802" to .858", another goes from .811" to .851", and one goes from .805" to .856". The middle one has a finish on it, while the other two are raw. I have others, but they have strings on them so they're more difficult to measure. In any event, they're within a few thousandths of advertised dimension. Kinda surprised, actually. I would have expected more variation than that.
Cagey said:
I happen to have three loose right now. One measures .802" to .858", another goes from .811" to .851", and one goes from .805" to .856". The middle one has a finish on it, while the other two are raw. I have others, but they have strings on them so they're more difficult to measure. In any event, they're within a few thousandths of advertised dimension. Kinda surprised, actually. I would have expected more variation than that.

Thanks. That answers my question.
Wouldn't fretboard radius be a factor too?  This could be a whole 'nother topic (fretboard thickness).  Is the CNC/milling machine set up to produce a particular thickness at the center regardless of the radius or does it vary?  When W makes a compound radius neck, as you move from the heel, does the center get flatter (thinner fretboard or do the sides get taller (thicker fretboard)?

Now my head hurts.
It's not a fretboard, it's a Mobius Strip. A Penrose Staircase. An paradox, wrapped in an enigma and surrounded by mystery in that wherever you go, there you are. Only the Coneheads know the secret of the radius, but they've gone back to where they came from. A small town. In France.


Cagey said:
It's not a fretboard, it's a Mobius Strip. A Penrose Staircase. An paradox, wrapped in an enigma and surrounded by mystery in that wherever you go, there you are. Only the Coneheads know the secret of the radius, but they've gone back to where they came from. A small town. In France.


I would recommend viewing the SHOP TOUR on the Warmoth website.
There is a picture of the Compound Radius jig as well as the fixed radius jig.
Neither are done on the CNC, hopefully that will aid in your quest. :rock-on:
Will Warmoth do a custom thickness, such as .780" -.850"? I know USACG will, but I am kind'a wanting my next build to be all Warmoth if possible.