
Question about Neck on Ebay

Nightclub Dwight

Hero Member
There is a beautiful neck for sale right now on ebay.  The auction says its canary with kingwood fretboard.  The question I have is in regards to the photos, the heel of the neck is stamped with the usual disclaimer that the warranty is void without a hard finish.  According to the Warmoth website, neither canary nor kingwood require a hard finish.  Is this disclaimer stamped on every Warmoth neck, regardless of the wood species, or might this possibly not be a canary neck? 

Here is the auction in question http://www.ebay.com/itm/Warmoth-licensed-telecaster-neck-amazing-kingwood-fret-board-canary-body-tele-/321561442850?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4ade8e3a22
I have a number of loose Warmoth necks here, and the only ones stamped with that disclaimer are the ones that need to be. However, I think the only woods they use that need a finish are Maple, Walnut and Mahogany. It doesn't appear to me that the neck you're looking at is any of those three, so I wouldn't worry about it. Besides, the listing says it has a light lacquer finish on it.

That's a beautiful piece, btw. If it weren't the the Tele headstock, I'd be bidding on it. If you want it, be sure to set your max bid as high as you dare - I suspect there's going to be a lotta competition for it with the attendant sniping at the end of the auction. You won't have time to keep re-bidding, so you'll want the auto-bidder to work for you.
Thanks, Cagey, that's sort of what I thought.  I was more curious than anything.  It is a beautiful neck, but its not in the cards for me right now.  I just saw the ad while browsing and the disclaimer made me wonder. 

Someone will  be getting a nice piece.
If I was interested in buying it, but skeptical on the woods involved - I would ask for them to send me the original invoice from Warmoth - or at least the item' serial number - so I could check the authenticity with Warmoth.

There is some numbers down the bottom of the butt that might be the serial number, but they are hard to make out.
Day-mun said:
6230 is the fret wire size that is installed, not a serial number.
It's amazing that the minute you mention it, I can make those numbers out.

I was originally seeing 15230 (but thought the first 2 digits had rubbed off).
Day-mun said:
6230 is the fret wire size that is installed, not a serial number.

Indeed.  Warmoth does not apply serial numbers to its products.  You will sometimes encounter a number in the pocket of a body, but that will be a job tracking number, not a serial number.  It will in all likelihood be reused.
I've always wondered why they don't track their stuff a little better. I suppose in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, but every once in a while it would be interesting to know a birth date.
Bagman67 said:
Indeed.  Warmoth does not apply serial numbers to its products.  You will sometimes encounter a number in the pocket of a body, but that will be a job tracking number, not a serial number.  It will in all likelihood be reused.
Out of interest, when I recieve my emails confirming my order, I am given a serial number for any custom order. Bodies start with CB, and necks start with CN followed by a 4 or 5 digit number.

Does anyone on here know - Is this information unique for each item, or are they reused accross the items? If unique, does warmoth store this information so people could go back over and confirm the materials in a build?
I don't really know, but it seems likely this is a job or order tracking number, also, since they do not affix the same number to the part itself.  I reckon it goes hand-in-hand with the "we don't sell guitars, we sell parts" mantra.
Yeah, it seems they track it just enough to make sure the right part gets to the right person, and after that it doesn't matter.
The neck looks to be mahogany, which I have one and it also has the same warning.  My wenge neck does not have such a disclaimer as it doesn't require one.

btw Koa also needs a finish.
Cagey said:
I've always wondered why they don't track their stuff a little better. I suppose in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, but every once in a while it would be interesting to know a birth date.

Same goes for most boutique pickup makers, no stamped model # or any sort of authenticating features.  I've often speculated that this is done on purpose to encourage doubt when buying/selling used parts.  I've passed on a number of "good deals" because there was no way to know the authenticity.  Or, I'm just a paranoid conspiracy theorist
I don't know that I'd call you a "paranoid conspiracy theorist". It would be nice to at least have some sort of pedigree on the things, even if you didn't get a "born on" date. Very few pickups are identified at all. I've taken to putting my own little stickers on things just for my own reference because otherwise I'll forget what I've installed. 
I need a 24 fret j width bass neck, in fact two of a kind, and perhaps two 24 fret p bass necks too, I need them to experiment and so cheaper the better, I don't mind what there made from. And also it would be nice but no essential if they had zero profiles and no frets :) I'm making a 10 and 11 string multiscale.

anyone know the cheapest way to get these? :party07:
Welcome to the board!

If I'm understanding you correctly, you're probably not going to find what you're looking for "cheap". Those are some pretty custom requirements. However, one of the members here, Skuttlefunk, builds custom basses from scratch and does truly fine work. You may want to send him a PM or email and see if he's interested in helping you out. We've all seen his work, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say it's exemplary. He even participates in professional shows, so you know he's no slouch. Although, he lives on the left coast, so he may have voted for The One...  :icon_biggrin: