
Question about "fret dressing"


Master Member
Many people have said in other threads that their Warmoth necks usually required no fret dressing whatsoever when they arrived.  For those who have a maple neck with maple fingerboard finished by Warmoth, their website states that there will be finish on the frets and that it will need to be taken off when doing the fret dressing as part of the initial set up.  I may have this done by a local tech, but I am wondering if it is that difficult.  If it is not that difficult, how is it done?

If you have never done one, I cannot recommend enough that you buy the Stew Mac DVD's on this topic, & even then, stand alongside a professional while they do one & learn from them.

The last thing you want is to ruin your prized instrument at your first attempt at a tedious job.

Now, to directly answer your question; It is not difficult, but it absolutely does require an acute attention to detail, including but not limited to finer grit levelling files & fret crowning files, mesh polishing cloths, feeler guages, and a lot of patience.  This is not a job to be in a hurry over.
On my maple necks I just played them and the finish comes off after a while.  Bends are a bit sticky at first, but then it is fine.
David said:
On my maple necks I just played them and the finish comes off after a while.  Bends are a bit sticky at first, but then it is fine.

+1.  Yep.  Mine took a little while to clear, but it's there now and the frets (standard, not stainless) are smooth as a baby's bum.  :icon_biggrin: