
PSA: Clockwork Angels out today!

I'ma guess there's a Rush fan or two here -  :icon_biggrin: - their new one came out today.

I got up 10 mins earlier than usual this fine ante meridiam, fired up the Amazon mp3 downloader (no DRM, unlike iTunes  :icon_tongue:), and put it on le lecteur d'mp3 sur mon téléphone, and . . . WOW.  RAWKIN' to TEH MAX!

How is it these guys are just as amazing as they were back when I discovered them in high school?!?!?
Thanks for the reminder, I'll get it on iTunes when I get home from work tonight... :party07:
This is in fact a public service announcement. Thanks for the warning. I'll avoid the radio for a day or two. Should settle down by then.
FM radio, at least in the U.S. won't play Clockwork Angels. There are only 6 corporation that run nearly every radio station (and tv station, cable network and newspaper) and their playlists have been set in stone by the corporate overlords. There is no room for new, progressive rock.

There is nothing to fear. You won't be hearing anything but maybe Tom Sawyer from Rush on the radio.
anorakDan said:
There is nothing to fear. You won't be hearing anything but maybe Tom Sawyer from Rush on the radio.

Yeah, or maybe (just maybe) Limelight, or Spirit of Radio (ironically enough).  Sometimes you get a DJ with a modicum of independence who'll spin Subdivision, Freewill, or Working Man.  That pretty much covers Rush on the radio, State-side.  But I can get all I want of Bob Seger's or Journey's or AC/DC's top five hits apiece, every single stinkin' day.  No wonder I listen to the weird-ass noise-music on KFJC.  Even Lou Reed's "Metal MAchine Music" is a respite from so-called "Classic Rock" format.
ihavenothingprofoundtosay said:
How is it these guys are just as amazing as they were back when I discovered them in high school?!?!?

They've managed to avoid the normal pitfalls that come with rock celebrity and stubbornly refused to "sell out" while growing as artists. All three members have reasonable egos, remarkable work ethics and a deep understanding that without any of them, Rush would no longer exist. There is no single songwriter in Rush. They stand, in my book at least, as the prime example of collaboration. Perhaps even synergy. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Sure, they're not for everyone's tastes. I don't think they ever tried to be.
anorakDan said:
Sure, they're not for everyone's tastes. I don't think they ever tried to be.

Damn straight!  I'd almost be curious to hear what their attempt at a pop album would be (because it likely would be amazing), but I'm so blown away by so much of what they've done.  Even their worst stuff (Presto or Caress of Steel) has the potential to make me sit back & say "Wow."

swarfrat said:
This is in fact a public service announcement. Thanks for the warning. I'll avoid the radio for a day or two. Should settle down by then.

. . . Sarcasm?  As mentioned above, one is about as likely to hear any post-1987* Rush on the radio as they are to be attacked by a shark while winning the lottery.

* Let's be fair: "Time Stands Still" occasionally gets airplay.
anorakDan said:
FM radio, at least in the U.S. won't play Clockwork Angels. There are only 6 corporation that run nearly every radio station (and tv station, cable network and newspaper) and their playlists have been set in stone by the corporate overlords. There is no room for new, progressive rock.

There is nothing to fear. You won't be hearing anything but maybe Tom Sawyer from Rush on the radio.

This is why I completely gave up on listening to the radio some 4 years ago. Everything for me now is mp3 player and my own playlists. I can hear what I want when I want, 24/7.
ihavenothingprofoundtosay said:
Damn straight!  I'd almost be curious to hear what their attempt at a pop album would be (because it likely would be amazing), but I'm so blown away by so much of what they've done.  Even their worst stuff (Presto or Caress of Steel) has the potential to make me sit back & say "Wow."

If you want to hear some top Prog/Metal/Hard rock musicians try to pull off a pop album, get the Flying Colors album.  best music of the year so far!!!!!!

Going to listen to Clockwork Angels right now: