
Pro truss rod adjustment question


Hero Member
I've never had to re-adjust the heel adjustment point on my warmoth pro neck, but this winter has been SO dry I think I'm out of room on the side adjust.  Do I need to "reset" the side adjust per the instructions to adjust the neck at the heel, or can I just put the side adjust in a middle position close to where it is now and use the heel to get it right again?

Basically, can I adjust the heel without resetting the side-adjust?
spauldingrules said:
I've never had to re-adjust the heel adjustment point on my warmoth pro neck, but this winter has been SO dry I think I'm out of room on the side adjust.  Do I need to "reset" the side adjust per the instructions to adjust the neck at the heel, or can I just put the side adjust in a middle position close to where it is now and use the heel to get it right again?

Basically, can I adjust the heel without resetting the side-adjust?
Basically yes, however the side adjust appears to have been turned too much so you'll need to start over per Warmoth instructions. Follow the exact Warmoth reset procedure then tune up the instrument and play it a bit. Next, loosen strings and use one finger to push the side adjust allen wrench until a light resistance is met. Tune up again and check neck relief. If everything checks out and feels like it's going to stay put adjustment is complete. Finally, use a fine tip marker and put an alignment mark on the allen head adjuster and a mark inside its bore. (Place marks at top center toward fingerboard.)
With Pro necks you should not have to adjust or go too much either way from the alignment marks during weather change. If the weather is too dry keep a Damp-it in the case, etc. Never over-tighten the side adjust especially to the point where it bottoms out, strains the mechanism, etc.
