
Please help with a tweak on standard HSS Fender wiring for my Warmoth


I am putting together a HSS strat and looking for a help on finding a way to get the wiring I am looking for.

The pickups are BareKnuckles rebel Yell (4 core) neck, Fender Texas Special Strat (RWRP) mid and Fender Texas Special Tele Neck (NOT rwrp).

So, If I had a Fender S1 Switch and  fender superswitch, along with 2 tone nobs, 1 for mid/neck and the other for bridge, would this be possible?

Switch Up (fairly standard)
1. Neck - Neck/Mid Tone Pot.
2. Neck and Mid in Parallel- Neck/Mid Tone Pot.
3. Neck alone- Neck/Mid Tone Pot.
4. Mid to Series Bridge HB in parallel- Neck/Mid Tone and Bridge Tone.
5. Series Bridge -Bridge Tone

Switch Down (a bit more unusual)
1. Neck/Mid in Series- Neck/Mid Tone
2. Neck/Mid/Bridge (coil tapped) in series- both tones
3. Mid/Bridge (coil tap) phased, parallel.- Both tones
4. Mid/Bridge (coil tap) not phased, parallel.- Both Tones
5. Bridge (Coil Tapped)- Bridge Tone.

If you could help and maybe scetch, point me towards, a schematic that would be very helpful. I do have a spare Push Pull tone pot which I could use for the phase/ tap operation if nescessary.

Any help would be massively apprecitated!
