
Planning the next build around a neck


Hero Member
OK, gang... My turn to ask for creative input.  I have a 24 fret x 24 3/4" scale VA neck that has been sitting in my shop for a long time.  Birdseye maple shaft, black ebony board, MOP dots, SRV back contour.

I'm trying to decide what sort of built to complete with it.  It's calling out to me to be built.  Given the type of neck, I'm limited to the 7/8 bodies, Mustang, Jaguar or pay $$ to custom rout a bridge on a standard body.  I don't plan on dropping a lot of money into this one.  I'll save the buck to invest in my bass collection since that is my primary instrument.

My other guitars are my VW (2 humbuckers) and a Gretsch.  If I want to go to the opposite end of the sonic spectrum, I think a Tele would be a good way to go.... Or a Strat....  A Jag could be an interesting combination with the VA headstock.

Got any bright ideas?
Oh yes they are, looks like it's got a toomer.
Wyliee said:
pay $$ to custom rout a bridge on a standard body.  I don't plan on dropping a lot of money into this one.  I'll save the buck to invest in my bass collection since that is my primary instrument.
Got any bright ideas?

You can never go wrong with a strat unless you already have six or seven. Rather than pay for the bridge route, you can always get one with no bridge route and use a hardtail bridge. That just requires 9 holes, drilling no routing.  And even if you already have a bunch of strats, if you don't have a hard tail strat - see the "how many guitars" thread a few weeks ago.

That said... 7/8 strat sounds like a winner.
7/8 T body (esquire).... I know someone that can cut down that headstock........ EVERYONE needs a Tele in their collection.... just saying.......
AutoBat said:
Have you decided on a bridge, or is that tbd after sorting the body?

That would be TBD depending on the overall body direction.

As crazy as it sounds, a Jag project could turn out pretty cool...
RobR said:
7/8 T body (esquire).... I know someone that can cut down that headstock........ EVERYONE needs a Tele in their collection.... just saying.......
yes a definate reshaping of that hideousness would be needed
It is hideous, but one day the Valley Arts headstock might be cool. All it takes is a young upstart rock idol getting famous with it, then dying young in some self destructive fashion.
swarfrat said:
It is hideous, but one day the Valley Arts headstock might be cool. All it takes is a young upstart rock idol getting famous with it, then dying young in some self destructive fashion.

It's possible, but highly unlikely. That thing has ugly right in its DNA. Even if Joe Satriani played one and then died suddenly of a rapidly advancing form of creeping crud, I still wouldn't have one.
Cagey said:
swarfrat said:
It is hideous, but one day the Valley Arts headstock might be cool. All it takes is a young upstart rock idol getting famous with it, then dying young in some self destructive fashion.

It's possible, but highly unlikely. That thing has ugly right in its DNA. Even if Joe Satriani played one and then died suddenly of a rapidly advancing form of creeping crud, I still wouldn't have one.
Amen to that...

Sorry Wyliee, it just is... :dontknow:
Cagey said:
swarfrat said:
It is hideous, but one day the Valley Arts headstock might be cool. All it takes is a young upstart rock idol getting famous with it, then dying young in some self destructive fashion.

It's possible, but highly unlikely. That thing has ugly right in its DNA. Even if Joe Satriani played one and then died suddenly of a rapidly advancing form of creeping crud, I still wouldn't have one.

That's because you're mumblemumble years old.  If you were nineteen and ruled by your gonads, you might reckon different.  When I was 22, I used to think my fuchsia Ibanez 540p (the first one, with the beveled edge, not the second one, with the extra-long lower horn - hello?  phallic imagery? but then, it's metal, so they're synonymous...) was a good idea.  Joe S. his own self had a boring white one on the copy of Dreaming #11!  I couldn't resist!


...except before long I realized that the three-switch controls were annoying and inconvenient, and the push-pull tone knob coil split on the bridge pup made the pickup sound like poop, and the superskinny neck didn't fit my plump little mitts, and the Floyd (my first and last) sucked, and the SCREAMING UGLY PINKNESS could be heard when it was in the case in a darkened closet.

But I do miss the smoked chrome hardware.
Bagman67 said:
Cagey said:
swarfrat said:
It is hideous, but one day the Valley Arts headstock might be cool. All it takes is a young upstart rock idol getting famous with it, then dying young in some self destructive fashion.

It's possible, but highly unlikely. That thing has ugly right in its DNA. Even if Joe Satriani played one and then died suddenly of a rapidly advancing form of creeping crud, I still wouldn't have one.

That's because you're mumblemumble years old.  If you were nineteen and ruled by your gonads, you might reckon different.  When I was 22, I used to think my fuchsia Ibanez 540p (the first one, with the beveled edge, not the second one, with the extra-long lower horn - hello?  phallic imagery? but then, it's metal, so they're synonymous...) was a good idea.  Joe S. his own self had a boring white one on the copy of Dreaming #11!  I couldn't resist!


...except before long I realized that the three-switch controls were annoying and inconvenient, and the push-pull tone knob coil split on the bridge pup made the pickup sound like poop, and the superskinny neck didn't fit my plump little mitts, and the Floyd (my first and last) sucked, and the SCREAMING UGLY PINKNESS could be heard when it was in the case in a darkened closet.

But I do miss the smoked chrome hardware.
Dude, seriously...you must be mumblemumble even older, cause I know I'm old, I remember in 88 when #11 came out. And vinyl was obsolete then... :doh: