
Pickup route

In the past I have leaned towards leaving as much body wood intact as possible but all this discussion makes me think seriously about going with the universal (AKA swimming pool) rout in the future.
I'm learning more here. :) I was wondering why my Mighty Mite body had no problem fitting singles in the humbucker rout - looking and comparing it appears they do a larger humbucker rout (a full rectangle as opposed to Warmoth's which has "ears" for where the legs/adjustment screws of the pups go). Also note the bottom "peninsula" Cagey mentioned is missing.

That routing pattern makes a whole lot more sense to me. Doesn't compromise anything, gives you lotsa options, and doesn't get in your way.
I'm fixing to knock that very area out for my hexpander to snuggle in.
Johnfv said:
I see your point about the angled bridge, the Firebust Strat I showed is the only HSH rout guitar I have with an angle single in the bridge. So maybe that's the trick, find a SSS guitar in the showcase and get it routed to HSH? :) It looks to me like a single would fit in a humbucker route straight (like a neck pup).  My "Raven" (the black dye rear rout) is at my guitar tech getting milled/dressed so I can't try it now but as you said a rear rout is not really a practical example. I sent an email to Warmoth mentioning this thread so hopefully we can get some input from them also. Here is my Mighty Mite HSH, it is possible they rout theirs a different size:
Hello all, John, any response from Warmoth?
The response from Warmoth confirmed what we said here. This is the question I sent to Warmoth:
Bottom line, if I want to be able to choose either humbucking OR single coil pickups in the bridge and neck positions on a top rout Strat it seems there are 2 choices:
1) Order a universal rout
2) Choose a showcase guitar that has the default SSS rout already done and order HSH rout.  For a top rout body I’d prefer the humbucker rout to be big enough to fit single coils  but adding the humbucker rout after the single rout gives that end result.

The reply from Paul K:
You are correct.  Those are the two ways you can do it.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
They're very classy looking.
How do they sound?
They are "hot gold" so very similar to the Lace Sensor Golds that have been around a long time. I'm a big fan of the Lace Golds in middle and neck position (but I prefer something hotter in the bridge). They are well balanced, nice and warm but still some nice glassy chime on the top end.
Thanks.  Don't they also make a humbucker chrome dome? 
I think I saw someone post a pic once with a dual coil in the bridge slot, with a fat pickguard cut.