
Painting Art on a Warmoth Finished Body


Junior Member
I just bought a Graffiti Yellow Soloist/Dinky body off the showcase. A an artist friend of mine is going to paint it with his art, which includes people/faces/clothes/machines/words. The Graffiti Yellow would be in the background.

How should I prep the body for his art, and what type of paint should he use? I was thinking sanding with 320 would be enough. And I would shoot over the art with spray can Minwax Polyurethane or something like that?

Thank you!
Perhaps consult with your artist friend about it. Perhaps there is no prep needed at all other than cleaning the body with something like naphtha certainly I would not be taking 320 grit to a finished body.

There is a forum member called Hendrix who has done various bits of artwork on Warmoth bodies. He might be able to offer some insight. I think if memory serves me right he has used Winsor and Newton Galeria Acrylic.
