


Epic Member
Obviously I hope all the injured persons are ok, but I also hope all of Steve's Guitars and their other gear is ok!!  :o




Severe Storm Forces Yes/Peter Frampton Cancellations
July 7 - Due to an unexpected storm in Concho, Oklahoma last night, carrying extremely high winds that severely damaged both Yes and Peter Frampton's performance and production equipment, tonight's concert in Albuquerque has been cancelled. The storm, which ripped a massive outdoor tent being used to cover the stage from its foundation, also forced the cancellation of last night's show.
Chris Squire says, “Nothing as tremendous as this disaster has ever happened in Yes’ forty-two year career. Most importantly, my thoughts go out to any of the crew that were injured. We’d like to thank our fans for their continued support and we will be up and running in Los Angeles on Friday.”
All ticket holders for both shows are advised to check back with their original point of purchase concerning further ticket information.


Marko said:


And from somewhere, a singing voice can be heard, "Do youuu feeeel like we dooooo?"  :icon_jokercolor:

(yeah I've got a sick sense of humor - no but really that sucks; love Frampton/Yes)

Would have been a lot messier without the flight cases. Equipment being damaged is never a happy sight (unless it's at the hands of The Who of course)
Panthur said:
Would have been a lot messier without the flight cases. Equipment being damaged is never a happy sight (unless it's at the hands of The Who of course)

I think the manufacturer of that roadcase that looks like it is holding up the PA scaffolding in the 2nd photo just got a little richer, in the very near future! Good advertising.

Must have been frightening when the towers collapsed.....

I do hope everyone is OK. As for the guitars ,well, Frampton lost his favoured one (Black LP Custom) years ago so I think he couldn't care less about what guitar he plays. As for Steve Howe and Chris Squire, well, they have some priceless instruments between them, but I guess they'd be off the stage area.
It was just after the sound check, so it could be possible.
I am not sure if Chris still plays his original - sanded in half - rickenbacker,
But Steve probably sleeps with his ES "Mr. Gibson" 175, so he most likely didn't leave that on stage...

In other Yes Related news today, it looks like the Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Rabin Rumors may be true!!! that would be the most amazing thing EVER!!!!!