
NO-OO! I guess he finally GOT home... RIP ALVIN LEE


Master Member

I can't even estimate what kind of impression he made on my dewey-wet fledgling rocker's brain... even though by FOURTEEN I was a jaded little snot about Alvin Lee and Mark Farner "Eee-yew! John McLaughlin knows billions more notes!" - those early ones do stay sunk into the reptilian brainstem, forever I'm sure.

Always sad to have a musician die.  That's a pretty good vid you posted, and the first I'd ever heard of him or the band.
All my heroes are dying. They were adults when I was a kid, and now I'm old so the ones that are left are getting pretty desiccated. <sigh> So sad.
Alvin was never at the top of my guitar heroes list, but there's no denying he had The Chops. Great guitar player from an era that spewed forth a vast number of great players. It's sad he's gone, but I hope the news spurs on some new interest in Alvin and TYA. I know I need to go listen to a lot more now. Maybe try to steal some of his licks to keep his spirit alive.
Cagey said:
All my heroes are dying. They were adults when I was a kid, and now I'm old so the ones that are left are getting pretty desiccated. <sigh> So sad.
Yip, it's pretty sad, all the greats we grew up with are now pensioners. And are passing away left and right, whenever possible I go see the ones that are still left and able to tour. We never know when will be the last time we get to see them perform... :sad1:
It's not just the musicians, either. Many of the actors/actresses that I considered iconic are pushing up daisies these days, or damn close to it.

The part that pisses me off is there's nothing you can do about it. May as well bark at the moon.
Wow, that is really sad :sad:
Alvin was booked to play here in Phoenix two nights ago, but I am not sure if the concern occurred or not...
Yes, all the old greats are leaving us quickly!

But I also can get a bit tweaky about people who bemoan the Horrible Tragedy that happens every single time an old person dies, of this, that or the other thing. That nasty little thing that got's Glen Campbell's brain spirited away my mother not too long ago, but "tragic?" At EIGHTY-EIGHT? There's something kind of bizarre about denying your own mortality by pretending death just wouldn't happen, if it weren't for all this tragic shit. One can NOT make good decisions with thinking that's got fault lines and volcanos and sinkholes popping through your (secret drama-queen, tragic-loving?) po' li'l mind... I mean, sometimes the bear gets your, and other times - the bear gets you. And all the other times besides that - the bear gets you.

And that's a fine thought for this cold, rain crap day! BTW - have a GREAT day! :hello2: :toothy10: :blob7: :toothy10: :hello2:

Thanks StubHead I didn't hear it, now I'm saddened.
Rest easy Alvin & thanks.