
No more square hats for me.

Mor Paul

Epic Member
Last night, I graduated. High school, honestly, was enjoyable, and even if there aren't many people who I really feel earned my respect... those that did, I know have the potential to go far in life. There's some real talent, and some real intelligence in some people. Among those people at the top of the class, there were students who had put in a lot of effort, and had a lot of drive.
I didn't have much of a work ethic in school, but I finished with high honors.

Now, I'm done with that localized group of people I've known for my life, and moving on to a state and national level of student. This should be interesting.

Max said:
those that did, I know have the potential to go far in life. There's some real talent, and some real intelligence in some people. Among those people at the top of the class, there were students who had put in a lot of effort, and had a lot of drive.

You are very lucky to have had that experience. When I was in high school, I honestly thought that EVERYONE around me was destined for failure. Nobody gave a shit about education. Nobody gave a shit about anything, and that includes many of the teachers and staff. It was not until I got to college that I was able to be surrounded by intelligent people who cared about where their lives were going, and instructors who actually were passionate about what they taught. :icon_smile:

I'm sure you will probably find that when you get to college, your experience will be even richer. IME/IMHO, when you pay for education, you get a lot more from the experience.
Well, there's only one other girl who I feel is VERY intelligent (not going on just school smarts). She's into the arts, which brought her weighted GPA down, even though she has a perfect unweighted GPA.

The top two students, one is somewhat intelligent, but is a complete douchebag with no friends, and the other has school smarts, but I was never convinced that she has that deeper intelligence that really impresses me.
Congratulations Max!  I feel old now.  I graduated high school exactly half my life ago.  1993 doesn't seem that long ago to me.  :sad1:
Depending on what school you go to, it may be somewhat shocking to find out there are some really smart people out there. I cruised through high school, but even then I though it was basically a con job (on my part) - I was just really good at figuring out what kinds of stuff would be on the tests, most teachers telegraph that stuff, and it has little to do with understanding the subject. And then you get to college, and there are ten people at least as smart as you in every class, and you're graded on a curve.... :o Fortunately I caught the end of the Vietnam-induced grade inflation*, so I survived.

*(Liberal teachers saw no reason to feed their dumbest students to the U.S. Army, so they passed everybody; it was still twitching in the late 70's.)
Congrats Max.  One of my biggest WTF college moments was the realization that paying tuition, you still have pay a graduation fee, which I still don't understand.  I thought the whole point of going to college was to graduate.  Oh well, even college didn't prepare me for the real world, it did indirectly.  Finish what you start.  Wade through the BS.  Tell them what they want to hear and you'll make a fine yes man.  Disregard all of that and you might change the world.
Max said:
The top two students, one is somewhat intelligent, but is a complete douchebag with no friends, and the other has school smarts, but I was never convinced that she has that deeper intelligence that really impresses me.
Let me explain that one.

The #1 student in the school is simply disliked because of his rather consistent behavior to students and teachers. He's completely alienated himself from the student population, and as far as I know, has succeeded in setting himself apart, just not for the better.

The #2 student is much easier to get along with, she just hasn't displayed the critical deep thinking skills that make me say "HOLY CRAP she's smart" when I'm around. Her work ethic and school smarts are both impressive, though.

The #3 student is the one that really got my respect. She consistently gets perfect scores in her classes, which is difficult, but what really makes me think she is probably the smartest in the school is that immeasurable factor. Her art is amazing; always evolving, and consistently displays a multifaceted understanding of multiple concepts. She is never stagnant, and is extremely modest about it. It's kinda annoying sitting next to her at awards night, though :P

Other students have potential in certain areas. Acting, at least one student who's grasp on music is far beyond what I am used to seeing, charisma, art, and other fields. But there's some... wide-spectrum intelligence or something, I dunno... That almost intimidates me. That makes me remember there are people who are extraordinary. I hope that I have the honor of meeting and living with people like that in college, because I haven't met many like that in my small (less than 170 student) high school class.
Congratulations Max!  

There were times when I was in college that I thought I was wasting my time and money there.  Looking back, I still think some of the classes were a waste of time.  But thats life.  There were also very interesting classes, and I was exposed to new ideas I would never have thought about had I not attended college.  Perhaps the best thing was that I was exposed to people from all over the country and world, many of whom had entirely different opinions about the world than the people I grew up around.  I learned a lot about tolerance and compromise.  

There is an old adage that says you get out of college what you put into it.  In many ways that is true.  So please take advantage of the opportunities you will have.  Not everything will be good, fun or even useful.  But now that its been almost 20 years since I graduated college I wish I could repeat the experience.  If I only knew then what I know now.....

Based on your thoughtful posts, I think you're going to love college.  Have the time of your life!
Congrats on getting thru High School, now I guess, the real learning begins!  :laughing7:

Good luck for the future!
To be honest... That #1 student has loads of potential. I won't deny that. I'm just unsure of what he'll do with it.

I'm not a great judge of people, I'll admit. Honestly, there are a lot of social skills I need to work on.
Those top students, I have had conversations with them, and I know their motivations. They each have different reasons.
Congrats are in order! The absolute most fun I have ever had was my five years of college (ya five). The girls, the time to play, the parties... oh the stories I have.  Max, get another square hat. I would have never guessed that you were as young as you are, well done sir.

On a second note: One of the nice things about the casual nature of bulletin board-type communication is that it has the effect of leveling the playing field for age, sex, nationality and taste. We are all anomymous here, kind of.
Eric Banjitar said:
Congrats are in order! The absolute most fun I have ever had was my five years of college (ya five). The girls, the time to play, the parties... oh the stories I have.  Max, get another square hat. I would have never guessed that you were as young as you are, well done sir.

On a second note: One of the nice things about the casual nature of bulletin board-type communication is that it has the effect of leveling the playing field for age, sex, nationality and taste. We are all anomymous here, kind of.
Yeah, I thought about that next square hat after I posted. :P

Thanks, man. That level playing field only exists in the beginning. As soon as you start talking, it takes shape.
Congrats, Max. 

As you get older, you'll find that time spent assessing and judging other people who don't directly impact your day to day life is a waste of your life.  Also, you'll be amazed by how ridiculous high school really is once you graduate college.  Go forth and dominate, our little hairy son.
