
NGD - put a bag over yer head, Cagey, I ain't paying for your therapy


Master Member
When I figured out what direction things were heading a few years back, my brain (naturally) made a list of the all-time meewannas.... strangely enough, only one is vintage, the Gibson Console Grande. The others were the Sierra 8-string, a Clinesmith D-8 or D-10, the MSA Superslide, and the Excel D-8. So here's last fall's MSA (along with a couple of my slides & bars):


And here's Friday's Excel D-8 (serial #005! Yep - Five.)


I think it was the turquoise color that got me, as I am the least surfish/Hawaiian steel player imaginable. Irony rules, Kahuna!

Right now I've got it hooked up with Akai Headrush and Boss RC20XL loopers in a variable parallel/series arrangement through a mixer, but I just figured out that if I run one looper before the pitch shifter, it'll... well it'll make a hell of racket, that's for sure. Steel guitars are funny that way - it's like 77.91% country, 18.877% jazz, 13.911% Hawaiian, eleventy-four % Americana, tooty-toot % rock and the rest outer space commandos, ask David Gilmour, Steve Howe, Steve Kimock.... or these two Japanese fellows who freak me out, because they don't play anything like... anybody else. That's very hard to do, without sounding really awful. They're both primarily known in the homeland (theirs) as composers, not cowpokes.


A friend tells a story of his youngster making the connection that  the chicken nuggets he was putting into his mouth was once a living animal for the very first time.  I had a siimilar moment once when I saw someone absolutely ripping up a distorted steel guitar and realizing "you like slide guitar... Why is steel guitar so revolting?"

Nice catch.
