New video: Versatility shootout Seymour Duncan 78 vs JB

They both sound good to me, especially for playing a versatile variety of stuff.

Question on the D-Tuna and the recessed rout, what are you using when you use the D-Tuna, is it blocked a Tremol-No or something else?
I so appreciate the seriousness with which you explore the versatility of the 78. It is the most impressive part of this whole video. Very well done.
They both sound good to me, especially for playing a versatile variety of stuff.

Question on the D-Tuna and the recessed rout, what are you using when you use the D-Tuna, is it blocked a Tremol-No or something else?

It's a trem stopper of some kind. I got it off Amazon IRRC. Nothing fancy.
For what it's worth (my opinion has, historically, been worth next to nothing ... :LOL:), I just installed the classic "Hot Rodded Humbucker" set in my long overdue Tele build. JB/Jazz. I can't imagine the extra bite and harshness I heard from the 78 in place of the JB. Everything has a place and purpose, I guess. If it was a single bridge humbucker guitar with a wanker bar, the '78 might be the way to go ... :unsure:
It was an entertaining video and hi-fidelity as always from Aaron, but what I didn't understand is, all the talk about "versatility is important" and then the choice of demo riffs that were ALLVan Halen. Yes, I get that Seymour Duncan specifically designed the 78 pickup to replicate that VH type tone, and yes the 78 may be "more versatile" than the JB when evaluated against a slew of VH riffs, but jeesh ... the talk-up of "versatility" - *without* outright mention of VH, I may add - during the video commentary implied we were going to hear various styles/genres to judge these two pickups on straight up "versatility", which didn't happen.
It was an entertaining video and hi-fidelity as always from Aaron, but what I didn't understand is, all the talk about "versatility is important" and then the choice of demo riffs that were ALLVan Halen. Yes, I get that Seymour Duncan specifically designed the 78 pickup to replicate that VH type tone, and yes the 78 may be "more versatile" than the JB when evaluated against a slew of VH riffs, but jeesh ... the talk-up of "versatility" - *without* outright mention of VH, I may add - during the video commentary implied we were going to hear various styles/genres to judge these two pickups on straight up "versatility", which didn't happen.

Seems to me that Aaron had no intention of playing anything apart from Van Halen, probably from the outset..

Aaron, has done various videos in the past to show versatility or rather the lack of it by playing a huge variety of stuff (it's tongue in cheek code for just playing Van Halen).
Aaron, has done various videos in the past to show versatility or rather the lack of it by playing a huge variety of stuff (it's tongue in cheek code for just playing Van Halen).
In addition to all the VH riffs to show “versatility”, I also took it as a jab to other guitar YouTubers that claim some thing is a “head to head BATTLE” when it turns out to be anything but that. Did you get the part at the end when Aaron says something to the effect of, he started off only switching pickups but ultimately ended up changing literally every other sound component making the whole comparison mute??? 😆

I think the only thing he missed was playing for 5 minutes straight with one pickup, and then changing to the other pickup but playing different riffs and having a wildly different tone and playing style. That always kills me. There’s no A/B testing anything. YouTube guitarists do that nonsense all the time!

From watching plenty of Warmoth videos, when Aaron intends for it to be a serious comparison, he makes sure that the ONLY difference is between the things being tested, and all other variables are eliminated. Everything is strictly A/B’d as it should be. Clean, dirty, neck, bridge, etc.