New video: Is GAS a good thing?

Great video! I agree with all of it but want to add a few of things from my perspective.

1. A lot of people view guitars as “tools”, a means to make art (music), but I view building guitars as also a form of creating art. Maybe I see a body in the showcase and that inspires me to create a design/vision for a cool look.

2. Because of point #1, I find building guitars to be therapeutic. A buddy of mine (not a guitar player) sees a therapist each week. I mentioned to him that I was building a guitar. He said, “Another one?!” I said, “It gives me a form of expression to help cope with life that is cheaper than therapy.”

3. I’m not going to live forever and it gives me something very personal to leave to my kids. “Dad built this guitar and loved it, I saw him play it all the time and it reminds me of him.” I have a couple of things like that which were my dad’s. They’ve already decided who gets what.

Of course, they could be humoring me. They’ll probably just say, “What should we do with dad’s piece of crap guitars he built? Toss ‘em, perfect.” :ROFLMAO: But I can dream.
Great video! I agree with all of it but want to add a few of things from my perspective.

1. A lot of people view guitars as “tools”, a means to make art (music), but I view building guitars as also a form of creating art. Maybe I see a body in the showcase and that inspires me to create a design/vision for a cool look.

2. Because of point #1, I find building guitars to be therapeutic. A buddy of mine (not a guitar player) sees a therapist each week. I mentioned to him that I was building a guitar. He said, “Another one?!” I said, “It gives me a form of expression to help cope with life that is cheaper than therapy.”

3. I’m not going to live forever and it gives me something very personal to leave to my kids. “Dad built this guitar and loved it, I saw him play it all the time and it reminds me of him.” I have a couple of things like that which were my dad’s. They’ve already decided who gets what.

Of course, they could be humoring me. They’ll probably just say, “What should we do with dad’s piece of crap guitars he built? Toss ‘em, perfect.” :ROFLMAO: But I can dream.

Yep, 100%!

People enjoy music in all kinds of different ways, and people express their creativity in all kinds of different ways, and the world is better for it.
I like your matching shirt to the Tele/Strat. ;-) You should go to my family reunion (I kid). They are all down there in UT, think it's happening this weekend. I remain aboard the mothership. We'll be taking a vacation shortly. :alien:
I like your matching shirt to the Tele/Strat. ;-)

Haha....a lot of people commented about my "prison" shirt.

You should go to my family reunion


Well, there goes my non-refundable hotel deposit.

They are all down there in UT, think it's happening this weekend. I remain aboard the mothership. We'll be taking a vacation shortly. :alien:

Whereabouts? It's supposed to be around 105 degrees on Saturday and Sunday. Tell them to bring ice. Hit me up if you're ever in/around Logan!
Haha....a lot of people commented about my "prison" shirt.


Well, there goes my non-refundable hotel deposit.

Whereabouts? It's supposed to be around 105 degrees on Saturday and Sunday. Tell them to bring ice. Hit me up if you're ever in/around Logan!
Looks like they'll be gathering in Herber City at the City Park. If you drive by, those are my people. :ROFLMAO:
I'm a visual artist first, guitarist second. Guitar is just a hobby, I have no obligation to be sensible or pragmatic, so whatever makes me happy I am free to do it if I don't have other practical obstructions (finances, space, etc).

A good chunk of my guitars are tools of convenience, set up for different tunings or slightly different sounds. But some guitars are purely just for the joy of owning a pleasurable object. And what makes them pleasurable is not just playing them, it's the joy of designing them, overseeing the project and bringing it to fruition - in other words, fulfilling the visual artist side of myself first. The guitar itself is an art project, the experience of playing it is the guitarist side of me.

I've just bought my first "real" Strat with a traditional setup. That's a guitar I would say I "need," because it offers a playing experience that I do not get from my other guitars. But now I'm on a bit of a Strat kick, so I'm planning a Warmoth build of a guitar that is pretty purely unnecessary, and is mainly an exercise in aesthetics (and figuring out some cool electronic stuff with EMGs). I can have both and be happy, and that's what matters to me.