
new combo cab - issue


Master Member
So, I decided to turn my champ into a giggable combo, since I'll be playing with just one other person and no rhythm section at least for the time being. Ordered this cab custom from sour mash cabs in Florida (that you CB?), it seems really well constructed except....the chassis isn't quite covered by the back cover. Any ideas, or should I just ask for another back panel with an extra inch?
Speaker is going to be a Cannabis Rex 12", 102 db sensitivity, I've got the V30 in there now.
1.  Hell no, thats not me
2.  The guy does NOT know how to put tweed on... good lord that sticks out like Chinese pinstripe suit!
3.  The chassis you have, is totally non standard to the Champ spec... you'd have had to specify that when you ordered the cabinet

Not the best picture, but see how the stripes are all supposed face the same direction?

Once you get the cabinet straightened out... give it a few coats of of diluted Zinsser Amber Bullseye shellac, and a brush on coat or two of matte Deft, once the shellac is dry.  In the picture I've got there, its just shellac - shiny, the Deft seals it, knocks down the shine.
Thanks man! Yes the chassis is not original spec - it's the ceriatone "ultra champ" - blackface vibro champ circuit plus a tone stack lift switch (ie tweed mode) and a triode switch on the back, switchable impedance. Meant to be a head. The 6L6 is a touch closer to the speaker than I'd like but I think it'll be ok. He made one of these for someone else on the ceriatone forum and I told him "exactly that spec" - not sure how that extra inch of chassis didn't make it into the spec. I'm going to ask him for a longer back panel and call it good.
Thanks for the advice about the tweed not matching and the lacquering - to be honest I didn't notice and am not real bothered. It's very solidly put together, the handle is nice and real leather, etc. Pretty good price for a full-custom job I thought. I might lacquer it at some point here but since it's not really a replica of anything I'm not concerned about capturing a particular look exactly either.
The Shellac/lacquer is a look, yes, but it is more to seal up the fabric from getting gunked up.  It REALLY helps on that front.  Other wise you get one of those white plasticy pencil erasers and hope you don't mess up the tweed getting out the scuffs.  The Shellac doesn't take to long, the lacquer takes a bit more time, but the weather is starting to cooperate so it is not anything tough to do.

Contact the builder. 

The mistake was that there was mis-communication about it being the chassis for a  head, vs combo.  Its not a huge big deal - just get him to make you another back plate that's longer, to cover things.  It will cost a few bucks, but be the way to go - AND SAFE.

Lacquer on tweed.. takes minutes to dry, and doesn't have a blush problem at all.  You'd not be going for any certain surface finish with that, so the texture of the tweed hides any defects that might develop - which otherwise would be very obvious on smooth wood.

As far as the tweed direction.... there is no cure for stupid, and that builder has no clue.