
Neck Profiles


Junior Member
I do love Warmoth necks, every single one I have owned are of superb quality. However, I think the most important feature on guitar is the neck profile. I like fatter necks, but sometimes a Fatback and Boat profile is too much. Is anyone with me on maybe offering more profiles? Or maybe cutting to a custom thickness?

I don't know if they have these profiles programmed in their CNC, or how they do it, but I would love for them to copy some of my favorite necks, or at least offer some varying sizes on their current neck shapes. If they did that I would be buying guitars from them weekly!

What do you think?
I like the standard thin, it's probably because that's what I'm used to most. Some say find a profile and stick with it that way you'll never be disappointed. Others say having a different profile for each guitar is just another way of making it a different kind of animal. I like to go with the comfortable option, I try and make sure every guitar is as similar in feel to my parker as possible, its the feel and shape that lets me be the musician I want to be. I have found what I like therefore why change or experiment?

The idea of copying my neck profile is a great idea but would be impossible and totally impractical to implement I would think. I'd say just fall in love with one of the type they offer and you won't have the problem :P
Other than my acoustic, all my guitars have the same profile. I want all my guitars to feel the same to play, but sound/react differently. LIfe's too short to have to readjust to your instrument all the time. Pick a profile and call it good. That way, no matter what you pick up, it's like old home week.

Warmoth already offers 8 different profiles, which is about 6 more than anyone else. Seems difficult to believe that there isn't something comfy in that range, since the differences can be measured in thousandths of an inch.

It is possible to buy their necks unfinished, though. Get one that's extra-fat or extra wide, and take it to somebody who's not afraid to cut/grind/sand on necks.
I've only a Warmoth neck, standard thin.
Honestly, I don't find it like my std fender...
(Warmoth is more thin imho).
My next W neck will be '59  (or SRV) more *standard* that warmoth standard thin
I've only held the unbolted neck in my hand, but fatback 1 11/16" just feels wonderful in my hand, but I have long fingers (doesn't help much in fretboard reach - you need a WIDE hand for that, but it does lend itself to wanting a fuller profile). I suspect your own geometry has something to do with what you find comfortable, in addition to playing style induced preferences.
record83 said:
... I like fatter necks, but sometimes a Fatback and Boat profile is too much. Is anyone with me on maybe offering more profiles? Or maybe cutting to a custom thickness?

Agree. I've asked for a fatter '59 and they won't do it.  Most of their neck profiles are close to dimensions and the Fat & Boat are twice the size. They have a huge gap between these two and all the others. I have played with the Standard Thin, SRV, '59 and FAT. An assymetrical thicker '59 would be the ideal neck profile, assymetrical neck shapes feel great in hand.

I prefer the USACG system: A few basic shapes (C, U, V, Assymetrical) as a base and the customer chooses the dimensions.

As far as shaving a neck Ken Warmoth suggested not to do it, especially on a neck with no dual truss rod.
Kostas said:
I prefer the USACG system: A few basic shapes (C, U, V, Assymetrical) as a base and the customer chooses the dimensions.
So just tell yourself that the c, u, v, asymmetrical are the Standard Thin, 59, Clapton, Wolfgang.
Then be happy you can also get Wizard, Fat, Boat, and SRV.
AutoBat said:
Kostas said:
I prefer the USACG system: A few basic shapes (C, U, V, Assymetrical) as a base and the customer chooses the dimensions.
So just tell yourself that the c, u, v, asymmetrical are the Standard Thin, 59, Clapton, Wolfgang.
Then be happy you can also get Wizard, Fat, Boat, and SRV.

You are missing the point. With Warmoth you can't choose dimensions.
Ah, order off the menu. I can see how that'd slow down production and/or increase costs.
Boatneck + pro construction + luthier?
Kostas said:
You are missing the point. With Warmoth you can't choose dimensions.

Be thankful. They offer 8 different dimensions/profiles, which is already a bit confusing. If it went any further, there'd be nothing you could count on. Somebody would say "It's a Warmoth neck!" and you wouldn't have any idea what that meant. They'd be like Fender, where nothing means anything because none of what they make is predictable. Who needs that noise? As it is now, if somebody says they have a Warmoth Pro Standard Thin, I know exactly what that is and what to expect.

I'm still advocating the idea of buying a wide/thick neck and having somebody who does that sort of thing customize it from there if it's that unplayable.
I prefer to order them on the chunkier side and then shape them to fit my hand , it's worked for me on the last 5 I've built.