
Neck pilot holes not deep enough?


Senior Member
Over the last couple months I've received two necks from Warmoth. Both had maple shafts. With both of these, I had a much harder time getting the screws to go in far enough without burning the skin off my hands. Even after I'd torqued them in as far as I could get them, there was still a little bit of movement in the neck pocket. Didn't have this problem with previous necks.

I was putting one on last night and just got frustrated so I took a drill bit that was slightly smaller than the pre-drilled holes and drilled an extra 1/8" to 3/16" deep, being careful not to drill through the other side. It seemed to help.

Has anyone else had to do this? or have any advice on how to tackle this next time?
Obviously you don't want to go too deep as to penetrate the fretboard, but is "sounds" as if they need to be a little deeper.
I would also highly recommend using wax on the screws before driving them in
You are probably using the correct hardware, but to be sure I would check the length of the screws. They should be 1.75" long. It could be that the supplier got slightly longer than spec'd screws.

Also take one screw out, using a wire or something like it check the depth of the hole (mounted to the body) then compare depth to length of screw. I think these are good starting places to determine exactly what is happening.
I have an old candle that I just screw into and back out; that usually puts enough wax on it. All screws should be waxed, for easier work, less breakage, and the slight seal for the wood.
llmtelecaster said:
Over the last couple months I've received two necks from Warmoth. Both had maple shafts. With both of these, I had a much harder time getting the screws to go in far enough without burning the skin off my hands. Even after I'd torqued them in as far as I could get them, there was still a little bit of movement in the neck pocket. Didn't have this problem with previous necks.

I was putting one on last night and just got frustrated so I took a drill bit that was slightly smaller than the pre-drilled holes and drilled an extra 1/8" to 3/16" deep, being careful not to drill through the other side. It seemed to help.

Has anyone else had to do this? or have any advice on how to tackle this next time?
A Fender quality #8 -1 3/4" neck screw should go into a 1/8" predrilled hole in Maple without burning your hands, it's a wonder the screw didn't shear.  
Perhaps someone deepened the neck pocket causing the screw to bottom out. Remove the neck, leave the screws in the plate and measure screw protrusion in the neck pocket. That way you'll know how deep the screws are going then measure the bore depths in the neck.
If the screws bottomed out with force you may experience lifted frets above the screw locations, you'll know when you play it.
I've used many Warmoth necks and never had an issue with neck screw installation. Chances are very good Warmoth did their homework correctly before shipping.