
Neck Finish Question (a new one... i think)

Volitions Advocate

Hero Member
I did a seach and nothing came up.

I know Warmoth doesn't upcharge for the finish on the back of your body.  My dragonburst had a trans green back adn there was no extra charge.

Does anybody know if warmoth will do burst finishes on the neck? and if they did would there be an upcharge?

I'm thinking like the same way Gibson does their silverburst.  Where you've got the burst all up the neck on the edges with the silver poking throgh in the middle.

I"m assuming they'd do it on the headstock.  So does that count as the same finish front and back? or would they charge you more ?

I'm starting to think I might just rebuild my Dragonburst LP with my insurance money, i really miss that guitar.  And having the burst pattern on the neck would be killer.
I've seen them do a matching burst on a headstock veneer when finished at the same time as a body; you'd need to call about bursting the back of the neck. I'd guess there'd be an upcharge if they'll do it.
Do you know if you *have* to get the veneer to get them to burst the peghead?

I"d be getting the same wood in the neck as i would in the body, so colour matching issues would be at a minimum.

or would they?

I know I can just call and ask, I just like to have my facts straight first so I dont keep them on the phone all day.

EDIT:  it says to match colours the peghead wood and the body wood must be the same.. no brainer.
But it doesn't give an option for a Korina Peghead Veneer anywhere.. which is what the neck and body will be made out of. :sad1:
I would swear I read on here somewhere that you had to have a veneer to do that on the headstock, but I could be imagining things.