
Neal Schon Les Paul


Junior Member
Ok, first it's been a while since I've posted.  Trying to stay away because I became addicted to building guitars.  I did two in less than a year after I found this page.....  Can't do any more.....  Must resist.....

So this weekend I saw an old Journey concert on TV.  I'm sure to catch some grief, but Neal Schon doesn't get much credit for being a great player.  Anyway for this concert he was playing what I thuoght was a unique Les Paul.  A little research later I found it was a limited signature series from Gibson.  It's pretty cool.  Anyone ever plyay one?  Anyone ever consider making one similar?  It has a Fernandez Sustainer, sculpetd neck joint, and some unique wiring.  Look it up on utube.  Let me know what you think....

So I think if I were to make yet another, it might be along these linies.  (have to act fast and get one of the last LP's from Warmoth)



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i made two of those with warmoth parts, only more lovely. the top is better, the pickups are better than gibsons shitty designs, the nicer necks etc etc. I really had to do a lot of work to reset the necks (readjusting the neck pockets and stuff like that) but boy oh boy I luv these 2 guitars :)
I did a quick look at that current inventory of the LP's.  All seem to have the TOM/STP bridge drill.  Can these be (warmoth) modified to accept a Original Floyd?  Would the routing for the Floyd cover the existing TOM/STP?  I think it is to late to get one made to order so I'd have to get one routed for the Floyd.  (by the way, if I do a floyd on a LP, is there anything I need to do  on the neck pocket or neck order?  They all have he angled neck pocket as well,  Sorry if that seems like a dumb question, I just got the bug today and haven't done any research just yet.)

Also I've read some reviews on ther Fernandes Sustainers and they are not good reviews as far as installation and set up.  Great reviews on function.  Anyone have any experience with them?
Once the bridge options are routed, there is no change from trem to non trem or non trem to trem.

If you look at the options on the bodies, you'll see how the routing is set up.  No angled neck pocket is needed on an Floyded LP because with the carved top, they're already utilizing a recessed route.

You may consider the Sustainiac as an alternative to the Fernandes Sustainer.  More options for setup, not as invasive for installing, just get the battery box routed on the body before you complete the body order.  The Sustainiac is a better quality sustainer too.