
My theoretical Telecaster


Master Member
This is theoretical because I'm probably not going to do another build for a while because I don't have the money and the next thing I'm saving up for is a high end acoustic, but when I get to it, this is my vision for a Telecaster Thinline:

Mahogany body with this (or something similar) laser etched on the back and a gloss finish over it:


Copper distressed hardware like this, including the Bigsby: http://www.alumisonic.com/evo-classic.html

A dark wood on the neck, maybe raw rosewood. 

P90 in the bridge, humbucker in the neck.  Or maybe two P90s, not sure yet. 

It will be expensive, and I won't have the $$$ for a long time, but would this not be an awesome guitar?

That would be sweet and I love that copper hardware  :icon_thumright:
Have you ever asked about purchasing the hardware from them, or found another source of copper hardware?
sounds very nice hannaugh. very fancy. I never thought a bigbsy on a tele would look good, but that does look pretty sweet
That sounds like a very ambitions project, but should be well worth it when it's finished.

My only question is: What month GOTM is this going to win? :hello2:
hannaugh said:
knucklehead G said:
Schaller makes "vintage copper" hardware.

It does?!!!  That's awesome.  The tough part to find will be the copper Bigsby.

I'll one-up that and let you know Allparts can get it for you, the vintage copper pieces, but it can take a few months and you pay in advance. The bit I attached is from Schaller.


Would be fantastic on a steampunk Tele.
knucklehead G said:
hannaugh said:
knucklehead G said:
Schaller makes "vintage copper" hardware.

It does?!!!  That's awesome.  The tough part to find will be the copper Bigsby.

I'll one-up that and let you know Allparts can get it for you, the vintage copper pieces, but it can take a few months and you pay in advance. The bit I attached is from Schaller.


Would be fantastic on a steampunk Tele.

Oooh! i like those
knucklehead G said:
hannaugh said:
knucklehead G said:
Schaller makes "vintage copper" hardware.

It does?!!!  That's awesome.  The tough part to find will be the copper Bigsby.

I'll one-up that and let you know Allparts can get it for you, the vintage copper pieces, but it can take a few months and you pay in advance. The bit I attached is from Schaller.


Would be fantastic on a steampunk Tele.

Kind of reminds me of the kitchen sink faucet at my old house, but I like it a lot.
Very cool look on the right instrument.
They have modern tuners in the same finish, I just thought that one was the best example.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Looks to be cool and unique, but for your 1st Tele, I thought you'd want to keep it a little closer to home.

Hannaugh knows what she is doing.
one suggestion... i know it's not warmoth, but these are AWESOME. like i said on the other forum, if they made a tele deluxe version i'd be all over it!


should still definitely get a warmoth neck though :icon_biggrin: i think dying the individual gears would be cool (maybe a little tedious), or painting them all different colors. maybe a tiny bit of a relic look to them since the hardware will be a bit worn.
hannaugh said:
This is theoretical because I'm probably not going to do another build for a while because I don't have the money and the next thing I'm saving up for is a high end acoustic, but when I get to it, this is my vision for a Telecaster Thinline:

Mahogany body with this (or something similar) laser etched on the back and a gloss finish over it:


You know, Dosh could probably paint that for you.  She's an expert on art nouveau.

but.... why don't you paint it yourself?
JaySwear said:
one suggestion... i know it's not warmoth, but these are AWESOME. like i said on the other forum, if they made a tele deluxe version i'd be all over it!


should still definitely get a warmoth neck though :icon_biggrin: i think dying the individual gears would be cool (maybe a little tedious), or painting them all different colors. maybe a tiny bit of a relic look to them since the hardware will be a bit worn.
Patina would look awesome.