my band - The Dirty Lungs - audience footage!


Senior Member
hey guys. I've recently joined a band based in Birmingham, AL called The Dirty Lungs. It's garage rock with a surf/psychadelic twist to the sound. We opened up for Total Control and Thee Oh Sees last thursday at Bottletree, though. An audience member taped the whole show, and I'm curious to get some feedback. - "Serial Suicide" - "I Suck In Bed" & "DD Reg Reg" - "Out Of Limits" (by The Ventures) - "You Should Get To Know Me" - "It's All Melted" - "I'm A Woman" - "Walk The Street" - "Don't F*cking Remind Me"

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That's a fun show, hachikid - I'm all in favor of spacey modern surf music, and it's pretty effin' cool you got to open for Thee Oh See's as well.
heck yea, it was! they're cool people, too. we're writing/recording now for the album coming up. I'll keep you guys posted on whenever it comes out. not sure of the medium of it's release just yet, though.
Looked like a blast! Sounds great too, congrats :headbang:
^definitely. it fits me like a glove. also, my drummer is the best I've EVER played with. he's freaking ridiculous. they trust me enough to know that I'm gonna play what's right for the song at whatever moment in the set. great people in the band, too.
Awesome!  That's all that matters!

hachikid said:
^definitely. it fits me like a glove. also, my drummer is the best I've EVER played with. he's freaking ridiculous. they trust me enough to know that I'm gonna play what's right for the song at whatever moment in the set. great people in the band, too.