
Musical Diffrences with Significant Other

Wizard of Wailing

Senior Member
      Last weekend I was listening to The Smiths, and my wife came into the living room and asked me to please, please, please listen to something else.  It turns out she hates The Smiths and can't stand to be in the same room with their music.  (I can see hating Morrisey on a personal level, but the Smiths?)  Anyway, this morning she was listening to Gorillaz and I realized I can't tolerate being in the same room with those tunes.  It's awful for me.  So I was wondering if others have a band that their significant other can't tolerate.  Was there even a deal-breaker at some point?  For instance, there's no way I would've ever married my wife if she hated The Beatles.  Maybe that sounds absurd but music, and specifically The Beatles, plays a huge role in my life.
Well, my Wife and I have some differences in taste, but a lot of overlap as well.

That's why she has her band, and I have mine. :icon_biggrin:
I can't say that there have been specific artists, but there have been plenty of genre clashes. I know a LOT of women who are super into modern Top-40 country music, which is something I find disturbingly (yet sometimes hilariously) awful. And there have been plenty of times when I've dated a person who couldn't care less about the music that is near and dear to my heart. That always sucks, as going to see live music is one of my very favorite activities and I wish my partner would get even a fraction as excited about going as I do.
My significant other dislikes electric guitar. We have some overlap in musical taste, but it tends to be pop. There isn't much you can do about things like that.  :doh:
I grew up with my dad telling me to turn that crap down "if you can't whistle the tune it's not music"

Then years later, my kids "Dad, turn that crap down" I was shocked, my kids don't like rock? Time for DNA testing.

My wife lets me listen to what I want without a complaint, she has a wider taste in music than me, so I don't like all her stuff.
My wife's fairly tolerant but there is stuff we both like and other things that we don't share the same taste.

Headphones are a useful thing.
    I can tolerate everything my wife and daughter like except Gorillaz.  For some reason if they put that band on, a visceral hatred spews out of me. Our daughter doesn't care about my music at all, except for The Beatles.  I indoctrinated her at a young age with The Beatles like a religious zealot.  The movie Yellow Submarine helped that process a lot.   
Since music is a very important part of our lives, you need to be pretty well aligned with your SO's music tastes.  That happened pretty naturally with my wife and I.  20 years on and it's still all good.

I too have had the experience of my kids telling me to turn down!  what the hell?  It's my house  :)
Ten years in, my wife and I agree on almost everything she likes (which is actually a fairly broad slice), but there's a lot that I like that she does not care for.  I mean, apart from the hits, it's not uncommon for anyone to find Zappa to be pretty heavy sledding.  Likewise a lot of my guitar-dork music.  But it's not visceral revulsion - just "do you need to listen to that right now?"  Mostly I do my difficult-listening during my commute for work.
Rarely is the case where either of us are a captive audience to either's preferences.  This time of year however is the worst for me because I despise Christmas music.  It's on in the background during family gatherings and Thanksgiving preparations.  I just adopt the mantra, "I hate this music, but I love my wife."

She also has no musical inclination as far as making, playing, or understanding music and prefers the music of 14 year old girls, whereas I prefer music written and performed by the guys in the band.  Also, she's never been a fan of any of the music of bands I've been in. 
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Rarely is the case where either of us are a captive audience to either's preferences.  This time of year however is the worst for me because I despise Christmas music.  It's on in the background during family gatherings and Thanksgiving preparations.  I just adopt the mantra, "I hate this music, but I love my wife."

She also has no musical inclination as far as making, playing, or understanding music and prefers the music of 14 year old girls, whereas I prefer music written and performed by the guys in the band.  Also, she's never been a fan of any of the music of bands I've been in.

Try some of this Christmas music. Drives my SO nuts.
We have a range of overlap, but I've never cared for dance pop in almost any form. My son however, has heard very little recorded music, so he likes whatever dad plays, or what the band at church plays when he gets to watch. We went to a wedding with a DJ, and he heard music, saw speakers and lights, and went running to find the band... and was so disappointed.  I'm hoping I can string this out until he's 12 or 13.
My wife hates most stuff with screaming, and a few singers i like.....but is tolerant of most of the stuff i listen to.

I'm probably the same about some artists she likes.
line6man said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Rarely is the case where either of us are a captive audience to either's preferences.  This time of year however is the worst for me because I despise Christmas music.  It's on in the background during family gatherings and Thanksgiving preparations.  I just adopt the mantra, "I hate this music, but I love my wife."

She also has no musical inclination as far as making, playing, or understanding music and prefers the music of 14 year old girls, whereas I prefer music written and performed by the guys in the band.  Also, she's never been a fan of any of the music of bands I've been in.

Try some of this Christmas music. Drives my SO nuts.
Dee Snider also made an xmas album:

The music videos are quite funny too.
About 10 minutes into a three-hour drive, while I was playing some Guided by Voices on the stereo, she says, "When we get home, I'm gonna need a break from this emo stuff."

I thought I was going to have to leave her at the side of the road.
    Especially if the GBV album you were listening to was Bee Thousand or Alien Lanes.  The last great live show I saw was GBV in Iowa City circa 1998. 
Alas, Robert Pollard pulled the plug on GBV just a month or two ago, cancelling the final leg of their tour.  *sigh*
Yes, it was painful. On the other hand, though, have you ever had an SO who would kinda just suffer through your horrible music collection with a smile? Or, thought your original guitar racket was off-the-charts genius miracle work? It's worse.