
More "Straight" Radius Necks in Showcase


Junior Member
Probably been requested, but I'll throw it out again. I would LOVE to see more straight radius necks in the showcase. Specifically, I'm talking about 12" and flatter (16"). I can think of a few times when I had money to burn, and would've snagged one.

I just simply don't get on well with compound radii.

Oh yeah, and I'll add my ongoing broken record plea for an honest to goodness 24 fret option that provides a "grown up" scale length, without the miniaturized body, or the clumsy fretboard overhang. You know, where you can actually reach the frets. 
Agreed, I understand AANJs being a Pipe Dream, but setting up 24 fret necks with no over hang... is doable. instead of a 24 FRET PICKUP REPOSITION box. just have a 24 FRET BRIDGE REPOSITION box. if we lose the middle humbucker space... um.. so? we lose it anyways don't we?