
Marshall Origin 50h


Hero Member

Looking for opinions on the Marshall Origin 50 head.  I have a few threads going here for various amps (most recent is the EVH 5150III 50w), and didn't give this one much thought.  However, I've been reading reviews and spending too much time listening/watching to Youtube vid's on this amp.

For $500, seems like a lot of amp, if one's needs are a single channel vintage voiced Marshall.  I've never owned a Marshall, but back in my younger days, played through many JCM 800's and the occasional Plexi in rehearsal studios. 

Last Mon, I had the pleasure of jamming with some friends for the 1st time in 3 or 4 years.  I brought the EVH with me, and didn't realize it at the time, but had the presence control way too high, making for some very trebly tones.  I've since adjusted the presence setting and it sounds much better now.  However, I'm not in love the amp.  I like it, but it's not capturing the tones that I'm realizing I want.  Maybe I just need some more time with it.  I had also tried out the EL34 version of the EVH.  I liked the green (clean) and red (extreme gain) channels, but the blue (crunch) channel was ok. 

For me, the appeal of the Origin 50h is it's 50w, it's 26 lbs (the EVH even at a relatively light 36 or so lbs was annoying to haul around), has a master volume and power scaling, has an effects loop, size wise a little smaller than the other 50w heads from Marshall, and the tones I've heard are pretty dang good.  From the vid's, seems to be a great pedal platform as well.

I looked at the 20w Marshall, SV20, SC20 and Silver Jubilee, but they are just a skosh over budget (unless I get used).  Of them all, I liked the SV20, but no MV.

Anyway, would be greatly interested in opinions on this amp.

Very much appreciated!
Haven’t tried it.  But when you posted before I was thinking try more amps.
Being you are looking for one amp, what 1-3 specific tones are you looking for.
When I say specific, I mean specific.  As in case, I had a friend who wanted an AC/DC sound so got a Plexi.  Oops he meant the rhythm sound.  Wrong amp. He needs a JTM 45.
In a nutshell, specify your goal and specify your starting place.
TBurst Std said:
Haven’t tried it.  But when you posted before I was thinking try more amps.
Being you are looking for one amp, what 1-3 specific tones are you looking for.
When I say specific, I mean specific.  As in case, I had a friend who wanted an AC/DC sound so got a Plexi.  Oops he meant the rhythm sound.  Wrong amp. He needs a JTM 45.
In a nutshell, specify your goal and specify your starting place.

Thanks, and some very good advice.  Ultimately, I'm realizing.....Marshall.  Need to do some investigation.
More than Marshall. It’s which Marshall. Ton of variety their in models and their tones. No way a JTM will do a JCM800 or vice versa as an example.
For what it is worth, I fixed up an old 50W JCM 900 SL-X and have been very impressed with the range of tones I've gotten from it. Very clear and articulate, and cleans up nicely when rolling off the volume even with hot pickups.