Here is a guitar I was doing that ran into a bit of an incompatibility problem.
This is McFadden's lacquer over ML Campbell pre-catalyzed lacquer, that was being used as a sealer coat.
Everything was fine till I was just about finished sanding it out.
I was just about done, 2,000 grit, and left it for the night.
Went in today to finish it up, and here you go.
I used naptha, that's not water.
Well, live and learn.
Should have known, I have mixed others and gotten away with it.
This time it got me.
Tip of the day: Magnamax + McFadden = DON'T DO THAT
We learn form our failures, yea that makes me feel better.
This is McFadden's lacquer over ML Campbell pre-catalyzed lacquer, that was being used as a sealer coat.
Everything was fine till I was just about finished sanding it out.
I was just about done, 2,000 grit, and left it for the night.
Went in today to finish it up, and here you go.
I used naptha, that's not water.
Well, live and learn.
Should have known, I have mixed others and gotten away with it.
This time it got me.
Tip of the day: Magnamax + McFadden = DON'T DO THAT
We learn form our failures, yea that makes me feel better.