Love Is Blindness


Junior Member
Love Is Blindness (U2 cover)

Recorded a few years back on my Bertcaster (Black Tele).

This page was started as a place to put my “after school” projects and have treated it as such. I basically put the guitar down for a long time then picked it back up when time was permitted. Since having our second child music has been kicked back to the curb. I try and find windows of opportunity but not much, so I’ve been sanding snakes. 😂

Another fun fact: Plastic Bird and other songs influenced by chatGPT would not exist if I had not run into problems with programming the Dinkycaster!

I should also state this page has no affiliation with WGP and I’m just a DIY nerd. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes time to listen to mediocre campfire songwriting at it’s best. I’m not professional. 🙏
Thanks for the thumbs up and listen @teleme01

This song is painful for me to listen to as are most my recordings. 🤣

I was going for a Bond intro vibe rather than the original version. The recent Bond song by @Tyrannocaster inspired me to post and I don’t like to share or promote my music. For the fine folks of UW, why not? I did throw in LOTS of delay and reverb because The Edge.

Also, it’s funny when you cover a song you take in the words differently than perhaps they were intended. I actually see this song as a reflection of unconditional love rather than divorce. I’ve been burdened by the pain of those marital breakups many times in my life and was even struggling in my own marriage at the time.

Thanks again. 🙏
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I envy you guys who get paid working in the guitar industry, my hobby is your job. Maybe non campfire players were waiting for a searing solo.
I envy you guys who get paid working in the guitar industry, my hobby is your job. Maybe non campfire players were waiting for a searing solo.
I was a singer who picked up a guitar and stopped singing but never got that far into it. My brother in law plays wicked solos. Very envious of the talent musicians on here. 😂