
Looking for vintage style tele/strat tuners.


Hero Member
You know, the old 7 screw type.  I haven't had much luck finding any for less than 40 bucks locally, and I figured I'd ask here.  I have a bunch of parts I could trade (tele bridges especially).  If there's something you're looking for, I might have it and we might be able to work out a trade?

I just can't seem to bring myself to spend the "going rate" for these when everything else on this Tele has been a ridiculous deal.  CAR body: made 80 bucks selling the pickups out of it.  52 reissue Fender neck: 50 bucks.  Am Standard pickups: a gift.  I'd like to be able to put this thing together completely through networking if possible.

Hit me up with offers/requests!

how 'bout $23.95?
I looked at going for the Wilkies for 5 bucks more, but then this still won't be a scavenged guitar.  Still hoping to trade for them, but none of my local peeps have any vintage style tuners.  Seriously, wtf.

AprioriMark said:
I looked at going for the Wilkies for 5 bucks more, but then this still won't be a scavenged guitar.  Still hoping to trade for them, but none of my local peeps have any vintage style tuners.  Seriously, wtf.


I have a pair of the Gotoh ones I was planning to use on my Jaguar build. I'm thinking of ordering the staggered ones for it, though. What do you have to offer?
You might try asking around the local guitar sales/repair shops. It's quite likely they'd have a set of vintage or pseudo-vintage tuners they'd either just give you or sell super-cheap. I know I've pitched a bunch of them in the trash over the years as people bring in guitars or necks for work and while they're at it, upgrade to good tuners. Never thought anybody would ever use them on purpose, and you can only store just so much junk before it becomes a problem.
Cagey said:
You might try asking around the local guitar sales/repair shops. It's quite likely they'd have a set of vintage or pseudo-vintage tuners they'd either just give you or sell super-cheap. I know I've pitched a bunch of them in the trash over the years as people bring in guitars or necks for work and while they're at it, upgrade to good tuners. Never thought anybody would ever use them on purpose, and you can only store just so much junk before it becomes a problem.

:laughing3:  We've clearly lost our minds, here.
I don't think it's me, but I'm biased <grin>

Seriously, I never hung around on guitar or music forums until I started here a couple years ago. I was all computer tech forums. So, I didn't know (and would never have guessed) that anybody would use old tuners or old tuner designs on purpose. Especially on a new build or otherwise nice instrument. Any time I saw them in real life I figured either the manufacturer had cheaped out (not uncommon) or the owner didn't know any better. Now that I've found there are still people out there who actually prefer those tuners, I'll hang on to any leftovers I end up with and take advantage of a bizarre market. Sauce for the goose.
Cagey said:
I don't think it's me, but I'm biased <grin>

Seriously, I never hung around on guitar or music forums until I started here a couple years ago. I was all computer tech forums. So, I didn't know (and would never have guessed) that anybody would use old tuners or old tuner designs on purpose. Especially on a new build or otherwise nice instrument. Any time I saw them in real life I figured either the manufacturer had cheaped out (not uncommon) or the owner didn't know any better. Now that I've found there are still people out there who actually prefer those tuners, I'll hang on to any leftovers I end up with and take advantage of a bizarre market. Sauce for the goose.

For many it's simply the aesthetic. Restringing can be a pain for most, but that's where beer bottle caps come in handy. I think they look better with my builds, simply because everything else looks so traditional. I'll probably end up using the Schaller minis I have lying around on my Tele or Jazzmaster built, whenever I get around to those. As far as the strat/jag goes, it's just a matter of aesthetic. To say I prefer their functionality would be a lie. I'm not so picky as to not be able to deal with less than ideal function, though. They still do their job right proper, and look finer than Hayley Williams while doing it.  :occasion14: It would seem beer solves many problems.
Cagey said:
You might try asking around the local guitar sales/repair shops. It's quite likely they'd have a set of vintage or pseudo-vintage tuners they'd either just give you or sell super-cheap. I know I've pitched a bunch of them in the trash over the years as people bring in guitars or necks for work and while they're at it, upgrade to good tuners. Never thought anybody would ever use them on purpose, and you can only store just so much junk before it becomes a problem.

I'm always in contact with the shops and techs in the area, and no one has anything but new StewMac locking ones they paid too much to stock.  Honestly, I don't think anyone can appreciate exactly how much I network.

I also don't have a problem with vintage tuners, though i prefer locking sperzels.  I don't want to hack up the 52 reissue neck and don't mind the vintage style with the more modern ratio.

Call Fatdog's shop - Subway Guitars in Berkeley.  He's made it his life's goal to reuse just about everything that ever popped out of a guitar factory, and while he's a bit of an acquired taste, he's probably got one of just about everything odd in stock.  Good luck navigating the website - it's a damn mess - but if you pick up the phone and make your case, they might have something.


I'm still thinking I should buy an old kitchen table and just drill it full of holes and string it up... all over. You can get two notes out of every tuner by putting a bridge piece in the middle... then drop stuff on it, call it "art music." Pretty soon, people will give you money, and you can upgrade - build a whole ROOM full of shelves and furniture, all with strings running all over it. Some college or another is sure to give you a degree, and then you can afford to build a few ping-pong ball machine guns.

Then, you can hire one student to dress up as Jesus, and another one to dress up as Allah, and you can film a movie with the two of them dueling in your strung room with the ping pong ball machine guns. With the profits from that, you can buy a whole HOUSE and drill holes all over it and string it up. Then, you can hire entire teams of Jesus's and Allahs, except - they'd probably be happy to PAY you for the privilege of "making the team."
Then you franchise. :hello2:
StubHead said:
I'm still thinking I should buy an old kitchen table and just drill it full of holes and string it up... all over. You can get two notes out of every tuner by putting a bridge piece in the middle... then drop stuff on it, call it "art music." Pretty soon, people will give you money, and you can upgrade - build a whole ROOM full of shelves and furniture, all with strings running all over it. Some college or another is sure to give you a degree, and then you can afford to build a few ping-pong ball machine guns.

Then, you can hire one student to dress up as Jesus, and another one to dress up as Allah, and you can film a movie with the two of them dueling in your strung room with the ping pong ball machine guns. With the profits from that, you can buy a whole HOUSE and drill holes all over it and string it up. Then, you can hire entire teams of Jesus's and Allahs, except - they'd probably be happy to PAY you for the privilege of "making the team."
Then you franchise. :hello2:

I have no idea what planet you're from, Stubby, but I like the way you think.
