
Live vid feat. my W tele


Senior Member
Hey guys, it's been ages and ages since I've posted here- I don't even think this "studio" section was here last time  :icon_scratch: - so here's a live vid from our gig the other night. Recorded with a handycam, so it's not great. Surprisingly it still sounds decent though. Twas our new bass players' first gig.

I'm the douche on the left with the hair - W alder tele- rosewood/ebony neck, rio grande bbq and duncan 59, bigsby - thru an orange rockerverb 50 into a marshall quad, bi-amped with a laney vc-15 set clean. Unfortunately the laney was cranking much harder than the orange, and it's warmth kinda muddies up the orange's cut. But it's just a sample of what my band is doing at present. Hope you enjoy!

thanks for the kind words lads!! yeah that tele is one of a kind - I always get comments about it. I would love to change the rosewood neck for something a little "brighter" though, and thicker than standard thin. I love my wenge boatneck on my other W tele.

I'll make sure I post more live shots/recordings as soon as i get them in  :icon_thumright: