
Life-ChChanging Single Coil Tone; Cha-Ching!


Hero Member
I saw these dudes for the first time with my hippie friends here and at this time. All the hippies were like "Phil is playing two nights in a row!...Bobby likes to party, but Phil is focused, man!"
I was like...Phill Collins? Who are they talking about?! Who's Phil?

Anyhoo...wow. I always liked Mr. Gilmour's and Mr. Johnson's tone and even Mr. Hendrix's tone was okay, but  Mr. Herring's strat tone here sounds so clear, and transparent, and even "chewy" or  :icon_scratch:"blocky."

Does anyone know what kind of pickups he was using?
Can you get that same transparent and "chewy" clarity with P90's?
I am also interested in "blues harp" tone. Honking nasal midrange. Is that something that P90's could achieve? Would I be better off using a harmonica/blues harp microphone like theShure Green Bullet?
I want it all  :-\
DustyCat said:
Anyhoo...wow. I always liked Mr. Gilmour's and Mr. Johnson's tone and even Mr. Hendrix's tone was okay, but  Mr. Herring's strat tone here sounds so clear, and transparent, and even "chewy" or  :icon_scratch:"blocky."

Does anyone know what kind of pickups he was using?
Can you get that same transparent and "chewy" clarity with P90's?

His website lists his equipment for Phil and Friends.


Phil Lesh and Friends:

Guitar/s: PRS Hollowbody McCarty, 1963 Fender Stratocaster, PRS Custom 22 w/ 3 P90′s (soap bar cut neck)

Amp/s: ’65 Reissue Fender Twin, ’64 Super Reverb, ’67 Super Reverb, Mesa Boogie 2-90 Stereo Power Amp

Effects: Ernie Ball Volume Pedal, Hughes and Kettner Tube Factor, TC Electronics M-One, Mutron

I don't know if he did, but if it were me I probably wouldn't change out the PU's if I had a '63 strat.  :-\

I suspect a lot of that tone is in using a really clean, loud and bright amp. Maybe he was running the Fender amps as clean preamps to the MB power amp?

EDIT: By the way, Jimmy is a "Warmoth Star":
Well I clicked on the working link, was a long boring intro, a minute and a half , then I didn't hear any great tone or playing or anything, the whole thing seemed a bit average to me I gave up after 3 1/2 minutes in, so maybe I didn't wait long enough
Try again, Alfang - and skip in a little further.  It's a three hour show, with Jimmy Herring's playing being more interesting than a lot of the other Dead-esque noodling that goes on, and try as I might, I still can't really make much use of Warren Haynes's singing. 

But if you're not into long jam-band shows, it still won't do much for you.
Dude! First 8 minutes...wow!  :doh:
And that's playing cold too! No b/s. Notice the long sleeves?
The first day was hot as f*** and then all the sudden the weather turned and dropped like 50 degrees! And there I was,  :toothy11: freezing my ass off with only 3 white paper thin under t-shirts and the same pair of shorts I wore on the way to the festival. And even though none of the hippie chicks with long skirts would keep me warm, it was the music, man, the music! These great staves in the night sky, folded over, and with ribbons of rainbow notes, written with a feather quill from the colored lights of the stage that kept my mind off the freezing cold.

~DreFX I am not surprised. Great players should have great gear. Not that I would know firsthand the quality of a '63 Fender Stratocaster but yes, I would not mess with vintage gear either.

I haven't seen Phil since 1995, but I think I know what you're talking about.  That was one liver ago, and Phil would actually play 3 nights in a row back then, and maybe sing one song if you were lucky.  Those were the days.

Back then Phil used to play with a different guitarist.  Bobby always hurt my ears with his high pitched screams, but I used to like to listen to that other guy play guitar.

I remember Fourth of July weekend in the mid 1980's in the middle of nowhere in Maine listening to Phil's old band play.  I walked away feeling pretty much what you described.  Have fun and enjoy the ride.