
Latest Work (Stone Cold)


Hero Member
(putting this in the shiny new topic category cuz that's where it belongs - thumbs up to whomever suggested it)

Stone Cold by Rainbow:


Did all the instruments in this clip - mixed & eq'd - 13 tracks total.

Drums - Korg nanoPAD + BFD Drums
Bass - M-Audio Keystation 88es + Sampletank
Hammond Organ - M-Audio Keystation 88es + Native Instruments B4
Strings - M-Audio Keystation 88es + Sampletank
Clean Guitar - lefty Warmoth/Callaham Strat + '67 Fender Deluxe
Dirty Guitar - lefty Warmoth/Callaham Strat + Fulltone OCD + Marshall JTM45 + Celestion Alnico Gold
Mics - SM57 + M160
Mic Pre - 2x ART Tube MP Studio w/ NOS t00bs
Digital Interface - E-MU 1820m
DAW Software - Cubase 5 & Reaper (for rough tracks)
Nice job! Song doesn't stand on it's own very well without lyrics, but the instrumentation is great.
Pretty nice man. My only complaints are
1) I feel the bass is a bit too loud - or maybe just too big and woofy sounding? Overall I think your low mids (200-500) are a little crowded.
2) The drums feel robotic -but that's hardly your fault. I just don't like programmed drums on anything that's supposed to sound like real drums.

all the playing and instrument tones sound pretty great
Cagey said:
Nice job! Song doesn't stand on it's own very well without lyrics, but the instrumentation is great.
  Thx - yeah it's a bit sparse without lyrics, but I ain't about to put my voice on record.  HAH!
dNA said:
Pretty nice man. My only complaints are
1) I feel the bass is a bit too loud - or maybe just too big and woofy sounding? Overall I think your low mids (200-500) are a little crowded.
2) The drums feel robotic -but that's hardly your fault. I just don't like programmed drums on anything that's supposed to sound like real drums.

all the playing and instrument tones sound pretty great

Feedback duly noted... this is why I post this sh!t.  My ultimate goal being honing my mixing skills... as I've learned, it's a friggin
artform all in itself.

Yeah drums can no do nuffin about... I'm actually playing them, real-time (not sequenced), with a Korg NANOpad using BFD (which is a really groovy drum program with tons of samples)...
but nothing beats the real thing (get it?  "beats"?  hey-ooo!).
dNA said:
ah i get it. I'm assuming the pads aren't touch-sensitive, right?

They are, actually.  It's just the nature of samples when doing rolls/quick stuff.  I use the X-Y pad (quickly drag my pinky up) while touching the snare pad with
the same-hand index finger (right hand is for hi-hat/crash/toms/etc) to achieve a quick roll (e.g. the very first drum hit in the tune above)... and I have to do it fast, then
quickly readjust fingers (left hand is for bass/snares) to resume the standard beat - this can sound robotic; for example.
I ordered one of those nanoPads after we talked about them back when you got yours, and it's quite a little widget. Lotta toy for the money. I haven't done anything productive with it yet, but I've gotten it to work with Linux, so I'm confident it'll get used.
Superlizard said:
They are, actually.  It's just the nature of samples when doing rolls/quick stuff.  I use the X-Y pad (quickly drag my pinky up) while touching the snare pad with
the same-hand index finger (right hand is for hi-hat/crash/toms/etc) to achieve a quick roll (e.g. the very first drum hit in the tune above)... and I have to do it fast, then
quickly readjust fingers (left hand is for bass/snares) to resume the standard beat - this can sound robotic; for example.

cool man. just like any instrument, that's the kind of mechanics that it just takes a while to get the feel for. You use it a lot? I can't even begin to fathom playing drums on a pad. i've tried on my keyboard and it's sooo awkward for me