Congrats! If I had it to do all over, I wish I had stuck with formal music instruction and gone into soundtrack work, rather than learning rock 'n' roll and chasing that tail around...
There are some really boring conventions in the industry, it's meant as sign language that something's going to happen - the single note whole-tone tinkly piano parts when the beautiful young assistant D.A. goes into the "empty" parking garage (and she left her gun at home because it didn't match her shoes), the throbbing "chase music" they play when a couple of stuntmen are bashing things up in a car chase.... the music is rarely snaky enough. It's a hard thing to judge, because if you don't demonstrate knowledge of the conventional cliches, you won't get a chance to break them. Most of the work these days is done by one guy sitting in a room full of computers, and the quality of your plug-ins is more important than creativity. But it beats playing in a bar band, now that MADD and karaoke have killed that beast.