
It's time to work out ...

One of my friend's mom's walked in the room during one of those commercials. She told my friend that... that arm exercise didn't help her arms when she was in her late teens.
somebody i know got one of those :doh: i told them i could have made one out of an empty flashlight, two springs, and a rock.
JaySwear said:
somebody i know got one of those :doh: i told them i could have made one out of an empty flashlight, two springs, and a rock.

Hell, you could even just take one battery out of a Mag Lite and use that... It's amazing the stuff that will sell to desperate people.

snl commercial
Awesome! I love the fact that none of the women in the video have any upper body definition at all.

What an actual pile of crap.

Here is what you do if you want to work out. WORK OUT and stop being a bunch of dumb lazy bitches. Get muscle or loose fat quick schemes are retarded. Do push ups, go running, lift weights and eat properly and you are all set to build muscle.