
Is there someplace to get 8.5 X11" body outlines?


Master Member
I need a realistic outline of the Jaguar body shape that will comfortably fit into a 8.5 X 11" outline. I can fake one if I have to, but if it's easy, well... I'm in the very first stages of an involved project and I need to start the art. Once I get there, it's easy to rescale things, but I have a few months of drawing to attend to. The Cliff Notes version is:

"Tezcatlipoca's Long-Lost Jaguar." Vaguely-Mayan temple inscriptions, under centuries of jungle slime.
If you can get your hands on a full-sized one, take it to a full-service copy shop and have it reduced to the scale you need.
If you can wait a week or two I'll be able to help you as I'll have one here, but at the moment I'm not finding anything on the 'net. Apparently, Fender thinks if they don't make drawings public, nobody will be able to come up with anything on their own.

I can pull a useful one off the computer screen in ten minutes with calipers and a grid ruler, but then have to resize that to useful notebook size - another 40 minutes? I dunno, I'll hold out another day for the E-Z-QWIK-PRNT version. But eventually I will even need a millimetrically-perfect full-size banger, so anything that pops up.... this is going to be a hard project. My fave artist Jim Woodring can paint if for "about 2K" which I would pay for somebody to paint a HOUSE, if it was a big one. They're always in it for the little guy....
Maybe I'm wrong, but if you have access to a full size one, can't you just set "Fit to page" on the print screen?

Edit: I just grabbed this one off of another site that I has at on of them. Does it work for you? I think it has 4 pages of stuff, if it uploaded correctly.


:hello2: WOOHOO! Yep, that's exactly what I need - after I just finished with a tedious dividers/graph paper one. But mine kinda sucked. Thanks!

(What were your search terms? :icon_scratch:)
I frequent the telecaster forum to get my from-scratch build fix, there is a thread there that has basically turned into a collection of guitar plans. There are a TON of them on there now, and more are getting added all the time.


Happy hunting! :icon_thumright:
Here are two sites I recently found that have proven to be the mother lode....

I'm thinking download all those and stash 'em on the server, as well as a DVD. Helluva resource. Hate for that site to go away.