I mean, we all know about the balls of socks, but he's got the whole laundry basket in there! Having worked more as a bassist than anything else, I have certainly been known to loiter back with the drummer, and snicker about various manifestations of L.S.D. (Lead Singer Disease). One of my fondest memories is the way that, when the silly primadonna starts in with the
"Break it down! Break it down... break it down" shit and does that shushing thing with both hands like a retard penguin trying to fly, wanting quiet so he can "relate" and "testify" and all the crap those guys live for.... with the right drummer, it just catches and you immediately start playing faster and louder and louder and faster, and the guitarists catch it too and Mr. Pouffy grins 'n' bears it. Did I mention that I played in a lot of bands...
But Beast of Burden cranks, and I wanna Zemaitis.
I mean, we all know about the balls of socks, but he's got the whole laundry basket in there! Having worked more as a bassist than anything else, I have certainly been known to loiter back with the drummer, and snicker about various manifestations of L.S.D. (Lead Singer Disease). One of my fondest memories is the way that, when the silly primadonna starts in with the
"Break it down! Break it down... break it down" shit and does that shushing thing with both hands like a retard penguin trying to fly, wanting quiet so he can "relate" and "testify" and all the crap those guys live for.... with the right drummer, it just catches and you immediately start playing faster and louder and louder and faster, and the guitarists catch it too and Mr. Pouffy grins 'n' bears it. Did I mention that I played in a lot of bands...
But Beast of Burden cranks, and I wanna Zemaitis.