
Is my Clear coat okay?

I had some trouble with deft nitro clear, I wet sanded with 1000 grit automotive paper just enough to take out the rough spots then polishid with shellewax from lee valley and it turned out real nice! I see reranch sells papers and polishing compounds too. Be very careful sanding any edges, I had 14 coats of deft clear on my guitar so sanding back was not a problem.

Do a search on Wet Sand and Rub Out and you will find lots of info on the next steps you need to take.
1.  You will get some "roughness" or orange peel as they call it... from a spray can, many many times.  But you can deal with it

2.  The way to deal with it is to WAIT and WAIT and WAIT some more, as you need to do with lacquer.  After a good three weeks, or more if you were heavy handed (fingered?) on the button.... after things have really shrunken in...  you may discover... TAAAADAAAAA the orange peel is damn near gone, because its all shrunken down.

3.  For the little bit thats left, I'd not use anything finer than 800 paper... 600paper being the preferred choice.  Rub out the areas, and be gentle with it....  I prefer an oil - kerosene, mineral oil...  for the wetting agent <--- thank you Frank Ford!~

4  When its all leveled, just buff it with some auto compounding to a high gloss - I prefer Turtlewax white compound (lacquer safe).

Your done.  Compound goes from 600grit dull to gloss mirror in just a few rubs, its not hard at all.
Let me add.. its damn near impossible to get a sprayed on "perfect as sprayed" finish.  You will have to level , and buff... thats part of the work that needs to be done
OMG CB, I sprayed a guitar several months ago, and it had orange peel as usual, i haven't been able to finnish it due to weather and upsetting the wife with fumes, so it has sat for 4 months waiting for additional coats, after reading your reply I checked the current state of orange peel, and to my pleasant surprise (even under good light and magnification lenz) the paint apears very level and flat, I had no idea that paint dries or cures at an uneven rate over such a long time, what an eye opener thanks.

I'm not sure I'd have figured this out, as my next step was to give it a good tac cloth wipe and shoot it again.
Use naphtha, then tac-cloth.

Like grain pores... if you level the slight orange peel too early... you end up getting continued shrinking in... and it all comes back... and you have to level again - making the finish even thinner.  You can even have a big ol' nasty drip in lacquer... let it shrink.... and dang... barely even there once it shrinks in, and the drip "fix" is an almost non-issue.