Apple's "tablet" is finally USB, so you attach a dongle to the dock connector to get a USB port, although it looks like it's just for a camera connection...can't be docked in landscape mode...pretty much an oversized iPod touch. I love my iPhone, but this is a bit much. Luckily I only had a sip of the Apple kool-aid...I thought this was going to be cool, but my enthusiasm is quickly getting dashed.
Apple's "tablet" is finally USB, so you attach a dongle to the dock connector to get a USB port, although it looks like it's just for a camera connection...can't be docked in landscape mode...pretty much an oversized iPod touch. I love my iPhone, but this is a bit much. Luckily I only had a sip of the Apple kool-aid...I thought this was going to be cool, but my enthusiasm is quickly getting dashed.