
Installng Trem Posts


I'm building a "strat" and was wondering if the trem posts should be glued in?  I already pressed them in, so before I press them out and back in (and potentially bung things up in the process).  I wanted to get some advice.

PylonRacer said:
I'm building a "strat" and was wondering if the trem posts should be glued in?  I already pressed them in, so before I press them out and back in (and potentially bung things up in the process).  I wanted to get some advice.


I'm no expert but I really don't think you need to glue them in, might even be unrecommended.
I wouldn't glue them in, I never have on any of mine. And have never wseen the need to glue them in...
Thanks for the input.  After I pressed them in, I read in Oakhams "build you own electric guitar" to put them in with gel superglue.  I'll just leave them as is.
PylonRacer said:
Thanks for the input.   After I pressed them in, I read in Oakhams "build you own electric guitar" to put them in with gel superglue.  I'll just leave them as is.

Wise move.  Try not to glue them in.  In case they are too loose, just shim them with plumbing tape or thin toothpicks snapped to length.
If I needed to shim loose posts, I'd either build up the hole by lining it with layers of super glue - let the glue dry a good two days before you put the post back in, or if it were really fubar, I'd dowel and redrill it.