
In other news, what was he thinking?


Epic Member
Mustaine screws the pooch:


This looks mindblowingly under-rehearsed, or as if Mustaine had a mild stroke right before the show, or someone deliberately detuned his guitar before he went on.
Goodness gracious! What a trainwreck! Not to mention a tremendous waste of an orchestra's time.
Cagey said:
Goodness gracious! What a trainwreck! Not to mention a tremendous waste of an orchestra's time.

I've always wonder what people in orchestras must be thinking when they are hired to play for guitarists. Imagine being a classically-trained musician, used to playing dignified music like Vivaldi, and then having to back some asshat with a guitar while he ****s all over the piece and makes noise. :tard:

Mind you, some of the orchestral collaborations done by Yngwie and Vai are quite nice, but I doubt if everyone in their orchestras are fans of their music/playing. :blob7:
I don't think I've ever heard a rock guitarist with a traditional orchestra that sounded good. It's like mixing ice cream with Swedish meatballs. Both are Good Things, but they just don't go together. But, some of these guys have egos as big as the sun (yeah, I'm looking at you, Yngwie), and figure they need a backup to suit. Really doesn't work, though.
Cagey said:
I don't think I've ever heard a rock guitarist with a traditional orchestra that sounded good. It's like mixing ice cream with Swedish meatballs. Both are Good Things, but they just don't go together. But, some of these guys have egos as big as the sun (yeah, I'm looking at you, Yngwie), and figure they need a backup to suit. Really doesn't work, though.

You have to expect a certain amount of cheesiness when you pair an orchestra with a guitarist with a big ego. If you can deal with that, then it can be fun. To me, it's a bit like being in the mood for a Big Mac, rather than angus beef. It's not the best thing in the world, but sometimes, you just want it.

I think that Vai has a better grasp of the dynamics and nuance of orchestral music than Yngwie, but he always has the worst tone nowadays. Yngwie could easily do a piece like Vivaldi's Summer, however, because he can get into the energy of the music, and play with force. I'm not sure that I would want to hear it, though. :blob7:

In any case, I like this.
Cagey said:
I don't think I've ever heard a rock guitarist with a traditional orchestra that sounded good. It's like mixing ice cream with Swedish meatballs. Both are Good Things, but they just don't go together. But, some of these guys have egos as big as the sun (yeah, I'm looking at you, Yngwie), and figure they need a backup to suit. Really doesn't work, though.

I'd agree with that post.
Vivaldi, better get Uli Jon Roth...there's a whole album called Metamorphosis, covering the Four Seasons.

Here's a live excerpt.


Speaking of Vivaldi and guitars, I also love Patrick Rondat's rendition of Summer. No need for an orchestra, give me the good old drums-bass-guitar trio and rock on.
Definitely embarrassing for him, but he walked into that one. As for the orchestra, they are pros and probably resulted in nothing more than a few laughs, and a lot of requests for an autograph and pics.

Gonna see megedeth in a few months at summer sonic in tokyo. If I don't die from the heat and humidity, it should be a fun concert. I just hope he doesn't wear that suit.
I'm a big fan of classical music, there are 12-15 violin concertos and a dozen symphonies that I "know" pretty well (not to play) - but the "classical orchestra" as an entity has been refining their act for several centuries now. I kind of, just don't get it. There's quite a bit of rock music that has made great use of violins and cellos particularly, but in a small band concept. I have yet to hear a rock guitar pasted onto a full symphony that I would want to hear again (alas, yes you too Jeff Beck.) It's not a matter of "matching the tonalities" or "finding common ground" or anything like that - it's just a dumbass idea.
